You're acting like i can't replace you.

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Max's POV:
Fuck, El caught me kissing Trent outside campus today. I don't know what got into me, but she saw either way. She's coming back to our room in a couple minutes.

While I was thinking of what I was gonna do, El stormed into the room, slamming the door shut behind her. She immediately walked up to me and I was sitting on the bed so I had to look up to meet her eyes.

"What the fuck happened with you and Trent?" El said angrily, pointing a finger at me.
"Nothing." I said, looking up at her.
"Don't give me that shit. I know what I saw. Why the fuck were you kissing him?" She growled.

"Because I can." I snarled, standing up.
"No you can't! You don't see me going around kissing people!" El answered.
"Go do whatever you want. I don't care anymore." I said, rolling my eyes.
"I can tell. Coz now you've turned into a fucking cheater." She scoffed.

I stepped forward, making her take a step back. "You're acting like I can't replace you." I spat, my anger taking control. Hurt flashed in El's eyes, but she quickly recollected herself.
"Clearly you already have." She argued.
I laughed, "And do you blame me? All you do is act like a bitch these days."

El chuckled, "That's all you have to say? After 2 years of being together that's the only reason?" She walked over to my closet.
I raised an eyebrow, "All I'm saying is I miss the old us."

She laughed again and a few seconds later she walked up to me, holding a bag full of my clothes. She shoved it into my chest and I quickly grabbed it before it fell.
"There is no us anymore." She stated, signalling between the both of us.
My heart dropped, "Wait, what?" I asked.
"We're done. You've just shown me what you think of me now. So there's no point in us still being together if you don't even like me anymore. So get out."

I grabbed her arm, "W-wait El-" I stammered.
She scoffed and pushed my arm away, "Go to one of the boys, or Trent even."
"But we've been together for 2 years." I pleaded.
"Mhm." El hummed.
"We've done everything together." I said quietly, reality finally hitting me where it hurt.
El nodded, "I know. Yet you've thrown it all away. Go redo it with Trent." She replied, tears in her eyes.

"No, I want to stay here. With you." I begged.
"Max." She warned, "Get out." She walked towards the door.
"El please, I-"
"Don't make this harder than it already is." El said, her voice breaking slightly.

I truly looked in her eyes, but I saw there was nothing I could do to change this. I've just ruined a perfect 2 year relationship. All because I couldn't just stay fucking loyal.

I walked towards the door, tears threatening to leave my eyes. El opened the door, looking down slightly to hide the tears already rolling down her cheeks.
"I'll see you around Max." She said quietly, looking up to meet my eyes once more before slowly shutting the door.

Everything hit me at once as that door shut. El was the perfect girlfriend. We've been together for 2 years. I wanted to marry her when we're older. I dreamed of owning our own place after finishing college. But we're not together anymore. And it's all my fault. I've ruined everything.

A sob escaped my mouth as I walked away from the door. I headed out the dorm block and straight out of campus. I didn't even know where I was going, too many were thoughts filling my mind at once.

Once I had focused again I found myself on Robin's doorstep. I knocked on the door and she quickly opened it. She smiled but I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down and she quickly wrapped her arms around me, shutting her door. She placed my bag against the wall as she led us to the couch.

"Geez Red, what's happened?" She asked once I had calmed down a bit.
"I screwed up so bad." I said, shaking my head.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. Why didn't you go to El, doesn't she share a room with you?" She asked.
Just hearing her name made me tear up again, "She kicked me out, we're not together anymore." I sobbed.

"What?!" Robin exclaimed, looking at me. "You two have liked each other since you were like... 15!"
"I know." I cried, "I ruined everything."
"What did you do?" Robin asked softly.

I sighed, "I kissed a guy and El saw. We got into this big argument and I said stuff I wouldn't ever mean. Then she said we were done and kicked me out. I'm never gonna get her back. She was perfect."
"Oh Max." Robin said, hugging me tight. "You two are always gonna be meant for each other. You're soulmates."
I cried into her chest, missing that unique warmth I felt whenever I was in El's arms.

I stayed there for majority of the night, only stopping once I fell asleep on Robin's couch. The next morning I woke up and headed back to campus, dreading it every step of the way.

892 words

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