Don't leave me.

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"Shit shit shit!" Mike shouted, him and Max helping El to run.
"We can hide in The Gap!" Max said, so they all ran over there.

The teenagers hid behind a table, and heard the squelching of the tentacle coming closer. It was right near Max's face, and they didn't even dare to breathe. Just as it was about to find El, a mannequin fell, and it shot straight for it.

The mannequin dropped near the terrified children, and was left with only it's body, head gone. It didn't help that the now decapitated mannequin was wearing the same clothes as El.

The Mindflayer left the shop, trying to see where she could've went. Max and Mike helped El up, and they ran outside the emergency escape as fast as they could. They went through the side gate, and Mike quickly ran to shut it. But Billy got through.

"Run!" Mike shouted, running back to the girls to help them go faster. They went into this creepy corridor, but there was a lift there. Mike pressed the button as if his life depended on it, which it kinda did.

Billy walked in, a creepy smile on his face. "Please Billy, don't do this." Max begged, but Billy just punched her on the side of the head, knocking her out easily. He turned the corner and saw Mike, still pushing the button. Billy grabbed him by the hair and slammed him into a wall, knocking him out too.

Then he saw El in the corner, exhausted but terrified. He smirked and picked her up roughly, carrying her over his shoulder. She screamed and punched him multiple times on his back, but it had no effect on the possessed boy.

He brought her to where the Mindflayer was, and lay her on the ground in front of it. The party were all throwing fireworks at it, but it was focused on El. He shot a tentacle towards her, but she quickly used her powers to stop it. She tore it off and stood up as the Mindflayer screamed in pain.

She knew she had to save her friends, her girlfriend. She had to be the superhero. El threw Billy to the other side of the mall, and focused on killing the Mindflayer, no matter what it takes.

Mike had woken up, he groaned in pain as he sat up. He then remembered where he was and what was happening. He ran to Max and woke her up too. She sat up and looked around. "Where's El?" She asked. Both their hearts dropped.

They ran to the main part of the mall, and saw the young girl fighting the massive monster. The party were throwing fireworks, Nancy was shooting it, but there was no use. El was barely managing to stand up, but she had both her arms out, using her powers to destroy the monster.

But she was exhausted, and in pain after pulling part of the Mindflayer out of her leg. She didn't give up, and it was working. The Mindflayer was screaming, and so was El. Mike and Max helped the others with my fireworks, nobody wanted to lose El. Max didn't want to lose her girlfriend.

The Mindflayer wanted to kill Eleven. That was his sole purpose. He shot 2 tentacles out and they pierced through both sides of El's waist, lifting her into the air. "El!" Max screamed in horror, she can't lose her.

El screamed so loud the glass shattered, but she continued to use her powers, her pain and anger making them stronger. She was tearing the Mindflayer in two, and it was working. The monster was making horrifying noises, but didn't let go of El.

She was gonna kill him. It was working. But her pain was unbearable. She couldn't die. She couldn't leave her friends like that. She couldn't leave Max.

The Mindflayer was weak. But it wasn't gonna die without bringing Eleven down with it. He shot one more tentacle, and it went straight inside El's chest. She screamed in agony and the Mindflayer fell, dead. The tentacles released El, and she fell to the ground. She was losing blood at an alarming rate, and Max jumped off the balcony and onto the overturned car to get to her quicker. The party quickly followed, jumping off the balcony to get to their friend.

El was laying on her back, struggling to breath. Max ran over to her and kneeled next to her. "Ellie, please don't leave me." She sobbed. "You'll be ok."
The dying girl smiled sadly, and put her hand on Max's cheek. "I'm not always a superhero. But I'm glad I got to be your one." She said.
Max had tears rolling down her cheeks by now, "You're gonna be ok, we can get help." She said.
El slowly caressed her girlfriend's cheeks, wiping the tears off. "It's ok. I'll protect you all from up there." She said, her breathing slowing down.

Max lifted the weak girl in her arms, and hugged her tight. "Please Ellie. I need you." She said, crying heavily.
"I'm sorry." El said softly, her chin on her girlfriend's shoulder, stroking her fiery hair. "Find someone who loved you as much as I do. Someone who makes you their world." She says, struggling to breath.
"Please don't leave me baby." Max said, holding her girl close.
"I love you so much Max." El said. "Never forget that."
"I love you too El. I always will." Max said.
El smiled and took her last breath. Her arms around her crying girlfriend, one was stroking her hair. Her chin on her girlfriend's shoulder.

"No no no!" Max said quickly, pulling away to see if the love of her life was still alive. "El!" She screamed, the scream was full of so much pain and sadness it hurt the other's hearts. Max held the limp body against her again, trying to feel the familiar warmth. But it was gone. She was gone.

Max started sobbing uncontrollably, and the others went up to her. "She's in heaven Max. She's watching over us." Mike said, rubbing her back soothingly, "She's watching over you."
"She's gone." Max sobbed. Her heart was broken, and El wasn't there to pick up the pieces. The love of her life was dead. "My Ellie's dead." She cried, still holding her close.

"You have to let go of her Max. Hopper's already planning the funeral." Will said, crying too.
Max reluctantly let go of her girlfriend, and lay her down on the ground gently. She saw her pretty face, a small smile there. El died with a smile on her face. She was happy she saved her friends. She was happy all the pain and sadness she had to live through was gone. She was in a better place now.

Hopper and Joyce lost a daughter.
Will and Jonathan lost a sister.
Mike, Dustin and Lucas lost one of their best friends.
Nancy, Robin and Steve lost their friend.
Max lost the love of her life.
The world lost it's superhero.

She was only 14.

A/N: Teared up writing this ngl 😭
1196 words

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