I did what I was supposed to

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El's POV:
We've finally made it back to Hawkins. As I hugged Dustin, he seemed upset. I don't know why he would be though, I saved Max.

I'm so happy our memories gave her life, I don't know what I would've done if she left me. She's my best friend, she taught me how to be my own person.

But I wasn't too overjoyed.

Hawkins was destroyed.

Chaos everywhere, a massive gate in the centre, the upside down was taking over.

But right now I just wanna see Max. I missed her so much, I wrote so many letters to her, but for some reason she never wrote one back. Maybe she never got them, or maybe she just didn't want to write back. She seemed relieved to see me though.

We all made our way to the hospital, it makes sense she's there. Her legs and arms are broken. Will told me people use wheelchairs when their legs don't work as good as they should, so Max will probably get one of those.

I once saw someone do wheelies on one of those, it was so cool. I'm sure she'll learn how to do that, once I make everything right again we can learn tricks together, just like her tricks on the skateboard.

Around 20 minutes later, we arrived. We thanked Argyle and got out his truck, quickly going inside. We asked the receptionist for the room number. D19.

We went upstairs and Will opened the door. Lucas was already in there, he looked like he was reading a book. Max said she couldn't see, so that makes sense too.

Why did he look so upset though? Isn't she okay now?

We hugged him, and once he pulled away I finally saw her.

She had casts on, and a neck brace. The blood running down her eyes was gone, only the faint stains still there.

Is she asleep?

I walked over to her, and put my hand in hers. I love holding her hand, I should've shook it the first time we met. Maybe we would've been friends for longer that way.

She didn't seem to react though. I hope she's having a good dream, she deserves it.

I turned to the boys, "Is she asleep?" I asked.

They all looked to each other sadly. They knew something I didn't.

"She's in a coma." Will said, he looked defeated.
"What's a... coma?" I asked, confused. It didn't sound very good.
"She's in a deep sleep. It's unlikely she's gonna wake up." Lucas explained, looking defeated. "She stopped breathing, the doctors say it's a miracle she's even still alive."

I frowned, I was the miracle, but why isn't she awake? "She's not gonna wake up?" I asked quietly. The boys didn't say anything, so I turned back to Max. "I'll find her."

I got the blindfold out my hoodie pocket, and tied it over my head. I soon found myself in the void, and I looked around. There was nothing, it felt so empty.

"Max?" I asked, no answer. "Max!" I shouted. She wasn't here. Her mind... wasn't here?

I spent a while in there, walking around, shouting her name. All I could hear was the quiet drips of the water, I couldn't see her anywhere.

Suddenly I was back in the hospital room, Lucas had taken my blindfold off. "Hey." I said, trying to get it back. I can find her, I know it.
"The doctors say she's brain dead El. She's not gonna be there." He said, folding it up and putting it on the side table.

How can she not be in the void?

The boys all sat down, murmuring between themselves.

Why are they so calm? Max is basically dead? I failed. My revive failed. It only brought her body back to life, her mind is dead.

No I... I saved her. Why is she in a coma? Why isn't she waking up? I did what I was supposed to. This isn't fair.

I got my powers back. I was promised this would save her. You can't break promises, right?

I gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

"I'm here Max." I said quietly. I wanted only her to hear it. I needed her to hear it. I wanted her to know that no matter what happened or what's going to happen, I'm here with her. I always will be, I promise. I'm willing to do anything to save her. Anything.

I know what I have to do.

753 words

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