Panic Attack

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Max's POV:
"Why are you at my house so late?" I asked El, already annoyed after the day I've had.
"I had to work a couple extra hours tonight, you know how Mark is." She answered, looking at me with soft eyes.
"So, what. You decided to finally show up at 11?!"
"I'm sorry baby, I came as fast as I could. You said you wanted to see me."

"Ugh, I have to visit my dad tomorrow El! I have to be up early!"
"I know, I know. I'll go home if you wanna get an early night." El said.
"I haven't even packed anything yet!" I remembered, regretting leaving it till the last minute.
"I can help if you'd like-"

"No, just- go home!" I shouted.
She nodded, opening my front door in which she entered through not even 5 minutes ago. "Sorry-" She began before I shut the door behind her.

I felt bad for that, but I didn't have time to worry since I had to pack all my clothes and my other random shit I'll need for a weekend at my dad's.

I sprinted upstairs and got my suitcase out from under my bed. I then opened my closet and sighed at how unorganised it was.

Suddenly, Neil burst through the door, drunk out of his mind. "Why the fuck are you making so much noise bitch?!" He asked me, storming closer.
I pressed myself against the wall, bracing myself in case he did anything. "Sorry, I forgot you were asleep."
"Yeah, I work my ass off for this broke ass family and this is what I get!"

"Leave her alone dad." Billy said, standing outside the door. He's kinda cool now that he's not as much as a douche.
"Don't you dare tell me what to do." Neil warned, stumbling up, "I'm the parent here!" He lunged towards me and grabbed a fistful of my hair, throwing me towards the hallway outside.

Billy caught me and stopped me from falling over, and he glared at Neil. "Leave her! She's only packing!"
"To go see her pussy of a father, I know!"
"He's more of a man then you'll ever be!" I shouted, defending him.

My mum came up the stairs timidly, looking at us. "What's going on?" She asked.
"These fucking kids think they can defy me!" Neil answered, "I hope you remember I can leave you all at any time."
"Yeah yeah, you say that every time." I said, rolling my eyes.

Neil grinded his teeth and came closer. Billy tried to block him from me but he pushed past him and slammed me against the wall, landing a strong punch in my stomach.

I groaned and before he managed to get another one in Billy pulled him back and lifted him by the collar against the window.

"Don't you dare hurt her. You don't think you've done enough to mum and me? You have to hurt Max and Susan too?! Huh?" He shouted.
"Let me go!"
"No! Fucking grow up! I can easily knock your ass out, so I suggest you start leaving us alone."

He laughed, "What are you gonna do?"
Billy punched him in the jaw. "Leave us alone! Don't touch Susan, don't touch Max, and don't touch me! If I see one more bruise on either, you better hope I'll let you go with your life."

Neil looked at him, genuine fear in his eyes for once as he saw how serious Billy was being.

"Whatever, just fucking let me go." He ordered.
"Say you understand."
"Let me-"
"Say it!"
"... I understand." He muttered.
"Good." Billy said, letting him go and shoving him out the room.

My mum had already gone back downstairs, of course she wouldn't attempt to help.

Billy turned to face me and said nothing before walking out. I was grateful he had finally knocked some sense into Neil, but we weren't exactly as close as Will and El. Yet.

I shut the door behind him and sunk to the floor, leaning against the wall.

I slowly lifted the bottom of my shirt up and saw the faint bruise forming. I heard shouting outside, and I closed my eyes tight, my hands finding their way up to my head.

My breathing began to speed up, and my hands began to shake. Shit shit shit shit, this can not be happening right now. My vision began to blur and I reached for my phone on my bed, quickly dialling El's number.

It went to voicemail the first time, but when I called for a second time she answered after a few seconds.

"I'm really not in the mood Ma-"
Tears streamed down my face as I spoke, "I- I really need you right now." I choked out.
"What's going on? Is everything okay?" She asked, sounding concerned.
"I think I'm having a panic attack." I said, my chest tightening.
"I'm coming over. Can you talk?"
"I'm on your street love. I'll be up there in a second." She said, hanging up.

A few seconds later I heard a knock on the door. I'm pretty sure my mum opened it, and I heard footsteps come up the stairs before my door opened.

El immediately sat down in front of me, "Hey, you're okay Max. Can I hug you?" I nodded and she put her arms around me. She didn't hug me too tight, but not loose either.

"You're okay, I'm here. You're safe." She assured me. I crawled onto her lap and hugged her tight, resting my head on her shoulder. She cradled my head as I sobbed, slowly rocking back and forth. "You're okay." She whispered. "Breathe with me love."

We inhaled for 4 seconds before exhaling for 8. "Good girl, keep doing that for me, okay?"

I nodded, and after a few minutes I was able to breathe properly. "Thank you." I said quietly, feeling exhausted.
"It's alright, what happened?" She asked, still soothing me.
"Just Neil being an asshole again. But I think it's fine now, Billy managed to put him in his place."
"Good, he had it coming to him. Shall I carry you to bed?"
"No, I still need to pack." I mumbled.
"I'll help, that way you can get it done quicker."

I pulled away from the hug and El cupped my face as she wiped my tears away. "I love you." I told her.
She smiled, "I love you too."
"I didn't mean to shout at you earlier. I was just upset."
"I know, you don't have to apologise." She said, placing a gentle kiss on my nose.

I smiled lightly and she rested her hands on the side of my thighs, looking at me. "Come on, we better start." I said, looking down shyly as she didn't tear her eyes away.
"Alright." She chuckled. I got off her lap and together be both began packing my suitcase.


An hour or so later, we were finally done. I jumped on my bed, ready to sleep then and there. I looked over at El who put my suitcase near my door. "Can you sleepover tonight?" I asked her.
"Of course love. I'll have to tell my dad though." She replied.

She gave me a small smile before leaving the room, going downstairs.

El's POV:
In the hallway, I saw Billy coming upstairs. "Yo, El." He said, giving me a fist bump. "What's up? I didn't see you come in."
"I was just helping Max pack. I'm gonna sleep over I'm pretty sure." I answered.
"Cool. Susan and my old man are asleep anyway. See ya."
"Bye." I said, walking past him.

I phoned Hop and eventually he let me sleep over, only because I didn't have school tomorrow.

Max's POV:
El came back upstairs and I could tell by her smile Hop let her stay over. She laid beside me on the bed and spooned me from behind.

"I love you." She said quietly, kissing the back of my neck.
I smiled and turned to face her, "I love you way more."
"Ah, that's not possible." She chuckled, hugging me tight as she lifted me on top of her.
"I'm gonna miss you." I said, kissing her softly.
"I'm going to miss you too. Tell your dad I said hi." El replied.

I giggled, lying down on her chest. "You haven't even met him yet."
"Yet?" El asked, playing with my hair.
"Mmm, you'll see him one day. We'll go to Cali together." I mumbled, falling asleep.
She smiled, "We will. Goodnight love."
"Night baby."

And just like that, I fell asleep.

1444 words

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