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Max's POV:
I walked into the classroom late. I have science, and everyone's doing an experiment it looks like.

"Do you have a late note Max?" Mr Aiken's asked as he gave me a stern look.
"Nah." I answered, putting on a lab coat and goggles. He just rolled his eyes, he's probably used to that by now. Good for him.

Anyway, I walked over to my lab table. We had been put into groups of two at the start of the year and luckily I was with El, my best friend.

"You're late again." She mumbled while fiddling with the Bunsen burner, "I don't know why you don't just walk down with Will and I."
"Nice to see you too." I said sarcastically, flashing her a smile.
She rolled her eyes playfully and smiled back. "While you're in such a happy mood, come help me before I set myself on fire."

As I walked to her side of the table, she turned the valve at the bottom and a massive flame erupted in front of us, just inches away from both our faces. "Fucking hell!" I shouted, jumping back.
She quickly turned it back and began laughing, "I warned you." She said, "But now we have to boil water in a beaker."

I groaned, "Boooring." I said, holding my head up with my hands. "You look cute today though, so I'll watch you do it. That'll keep me entertained." I told her, smirking as I saw her cheeks go pink.
"Shut up." She giggled, turning the valve slower this time.
Now I'm going into English, and once again I was late. It's not my fault the toilets on this side of the school smell like shit. The only seat empty was one on the left of El. I'm not complaining though.

I have a secret to tell you though. Even though I'm always nonchalant around her, I like her more than I could ever express in words. And I mean in more than a friend way as well.

I sat next to her and watched as she worked on her sheet. The way she span the pen around her thumb when she was thinking, the way she tucked her slightly wavy hair behind her ear whenever it got in her face.

We'd never admit it, but we always look at each other when the other isn't. Like, I can feel her eyes on me whenever I'm working, and I'm almost certain she can feel my eyes on her right now.

I was thinking for a good 15 minutes before finally decided enough was enough. I've liked El for almost 2 years now, and I think it's time to ask her out. I have to. I mean, what is there to lose?

"El." I said, getting her attention.
She looked up at me, "Max." She said back.

I hesitated for a second, she's so pretty, what if she says no?
"Um... do you maybe wanna go on a date later?" I asked. I was getting nervous, which doesn't normally happen by the way. I felt my heart beat faster against my chest.
"Oh." She said.

Shit, I'm about to get rejected aren't I. Oh my god this is so embarrassing, she's not even gonna wanna be friends with me after thi-

"Sure." She finished. I smiled in disbelief and she chuckled before turning back to her sheet. All I focused on was her beautiful smile as her cheeks gradually turned a light pink.
School's finished, and I'm waiting in my living room. I don't know if she's gonna show up, honestly I'm more nervous than I have been in a while. We decided to hang out at my place, yeah it wasn't the most romantic place, but she's been here loads of times, so it'll be more relaxing. You know?

She was meant to be here by 5 pm. 10 minutes ticked by, then another 15. Where is she? Is she standing me up?

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I quickly opened it.

It was El. God she looked gorgeous, she was wearing her glasses which Hopper had got her. She didn't really need them, but she looked adorable with them on. She was also wearing a tight top with shorts, her clothes matched her figure perfectly. I looked her up and down slowly.

"Hey, my eyes are up here!" She said, laughing. I cleared my throat and smiled before waving an arm for her to walk in.

We both headed to my bedroom where we've been many times before. And don't be dirty minded. Luckily, I'm home alone today. Billy's out with a chick and my parents are out to dinner.

After an hour or so, I began to feel super hot. So, I took my hoodie off, forgetting I had nothing on underneath other than a Nike sports bra.

"Fuck." She whispered.
"What's wrong?" I asked, only just now realising what I was wearing.
"You're just so fucking hot."
"W-what?" I stuttered, my cheeks turning red as my stomach did somersaults.

"You heard me." She said, smirking. "You just look so good right now and I don't know what to do with myself." Oh shit, she's being bold.
"U-uh." I mumbled, if anyone didn't know what to do with themselves, it'd be me. Finally I managed to collect myself and I smiled. I jumped on my bed once I had put my hoodie away and reached to grab my laptop. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.
"Sure." She smiled, laying down beside me.
As we watched the movie, I felt El's hand slowly crawl down my stomach, eventually reaching my thigh. "I'm bored." She said. I quietly panicked as her hand continued to move down.
"Well, what do you wanna do?" I asked quietly, trying to avoid her eyes.
"You." She answered confidently. I looked at her and she smirked.

She got on top of me and looked at me for a second before putting her hand under my chin and kissing me slowly. I put my hands on her hips as she straddled me and she smiled against my lips.

We began making out and a minute later she pulled away and kissed down my jawline until she got to my neck.
"What time do your parents get home?" She murmured against my hot skin.
"12." I whimpered, tilting my head up to give her more access.
El smiled, "Perfect." She said as she began marking my neck.
It was the next day, and I was late to class as usual. I had history, my least favourite lesson. The only thing that made it good was El.
Everyone was taking notes as I sat down next to her.

When we were alone she was so dominant, but when we were near others, she was shy. I watched as she carefully wrote down the info from the video, her concentration face being absolutely adorable.

I wanted to get her back for last night, so I decided to do the thing that drove me crazy. I put my hand on her thigh and heard her breath hitch. I slowly moved my hand up, making her breathe even heavier. I smirked as I noticed her neat handwriting become increasingly wobbly.

As the teacher turned around, I placed a kiss on her neck, moving up to her ear to whisper something.

"You tasted delicious last night."

1239 words

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