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TW: Homophobic slurs

Max's POV:
God I wanna kill myself so bad. El's so fucking annoying. And to make matters even worse, I'm in maths class. Luckily this year school has been pretty good, I've made loads of friends and even made it to the school football team. For some reason I've become kinda popular, but I'm not complaining.

El's always been popular. She pretty much has every boy (except her stepbrother) at her feet and for some stupid ass reason she loves to piss me off. I've known her since kindergarten, which is when we were both 5 by the way. Now we're in 11th grade, which means I've known her for 11- almost 12 very painful years.

She walked in late, her bag slung over her shoulder and a smug look on her face. "El. May I ask why you are late?" The teacher asked.
"Slept in." She answered.
"That's not a good enough answer."
"Well it's the honest one. Anyway, where can I sit?" She looked at the class and saw 2 empty seats. One next to Chad, aka the biggest pervert, and the other beside... me. For fucks sake, why did Lucas choose today to be sick?

"You can either sit next to Maxine, or Chad." I rolled my eyes, even after 3 years in this shit school they still can't get my name right.
She looked at Chad who looked her up and down, licking his lips. Ew, he thinks he's so fit. El's face formed into one of disgust, and she gave him the middle finger.

"El!" The teacher shouted.
"Who licks their lips when looking at someone?" She answered, annoyed. "That's disgusting."
"I'm a quarterback, the girls are all over me." He smirked.
"Really? Coz at every match you never seem to get off the bench." She smiled sarcastically and people giggled from around him.
He looked around and scowled, "I can bench press you and people twice your size." Ummm, bit of a weird thing to say.
"Put your hands on me and I'll make sure you never play football again."
"Go sit down Miss Hopper! Next to Maxine."

El groaned but walked over anyway, "Fucking pervert." She mumbled as she walked past Chad.
She sat down next to me, slumping in the chair and crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes and the lesson went on.

After Miss Sanders' long ass demonstration, we were finally allowed to talk between us. Oh my god, why is everyone I like on the other side of the class?

I soon got bored of doodling in my book and instead looked over to El who was giving Chad a death stare. "That turns me on." He said, looking down at the bulge in his pants.
El repulsed, "You're this close to turning me lesbian Chad." She said, pinching her fingers very close together.
"Then I'll turn you straight again." He smirked.
"Mmm, I don't think so."
"Why's the dyke looking over?" Chad asked, looking at me.

I turned red and El looked at me before frowning and looking back at Chad, "Have you even seen yourself?" She asked.
"Why? You like what you see?"
She smiled sarcastically and put her elbows on the table, leaning forward, "No. So get over yourself and turn around."
He reluctantly turned around, and El looked at me.

"What." She asked.
I rolled my eyes, "Why are you even sitting here?"
"Not like I had any other choice."
"Well, you kinda did."
"Just shut your mouth and do the work."
"You've known me long enough to know I don't do maths."
"Yeah, and that's why you're dumb as fuck."
I punched her arm, "You can't talk. It took you almost a year to memorise your abcs."

"That was in kindergarten." She said, giving me the middle finger. "We're talking about now."
"Not like you've changed much." I said.
"That wasn't a compliment." I smiled.
She rolled her eyes, "Well you've changed." She muttered.
"Oh yeah? How?" I asked.
"In kindergarten you were cute. And now," She looked me up and down slowly and I blushed slightly. Bit weird. "You're not."

Oneshots: Elmax / SillieWhere stories live. Discover now