003; hurricane agatha

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If love is a whirlwind, then life is a hurricane.

The quiet and calm evening soon changed into a stormy morning, the wind whistling through the cracks of the chateau. Myra awoke on the couch to John B shaking her shoulders gently, "hey, get up, get up, there's a hurricane coming"

She groggily opened her eyes, seeing the tall boy hovering above her. He had his old black bandana tied loosely around his neck, his hair a messy mop of brown curls resting upon his head. "What?" she questioned, propping herself up on her elbows. She wasn't sure she had heard him right, a hurricane? That was surely the last thing they needed right now. "There's a hurricane coming, I was out as the alarm went off... and I saw it on tv" John clarified as if it was nothing, yawning as he stretched his arms out "get dressed, we've got a lot of shit to do before it hits"

She sat up fully on the couch, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "I could say the same thing to you" she muttered, glancing at John who wasn't wearing anything but his usual board shorts. He muttered something before walking off, grabbing a t-shirt that was hanging over the back of one of the kitchen chairs. "Did you go out like that?" she questioned, eyeing him curiously, knowing that he didn't own a television. "No of course not" John stated, nodding his head towards a t-shirt that was drying outside before he threw the new shirt in his hands on over his shoulders, "I spilled mustard on the shirt I was wearing". She couldn't help but to laugh, "of course you did"

John flashed her a gentle smile. Myra wanted to ask him where he had been, but figured that he had probably been down by the docks. She knew that he would head out to the Cameron family's boat rather early most mornings, he wanted to get the work Ward paid him for done as soon as possible. Myra would usually wake up as John left, but this morning she must've been in a deep sleep. "I'll go wake your brother up, be ready in five" the brown haired boy standing before her called out before disappearing around the corner towards the guest room.

Myra sighed, hearing the hurricane alarm go off in the distance. "Great" she muttered to herself, rolling her eyes before she exchanged the t-shirt she had been sleeping in for a pair of denim shorts and a cut off t-shirt, the same ones she had been wearing yesterday too. Soon enough John B emerged into the room again, a barely awake JJ trailing behind him. "What the fuck is going on?" JJ questioned, running his hands through his messy dirty blonde hair. "A hurricane is coming" Myra mumbled, glancing at her older brother "listen to the signal dumbo". John grabbed his car keys before he patted JJ on the back, "come on Jay, I've told you this like five times already". JJ groaned, throwing his hands up into the air as to defend himself, "hey dude I woke up like five seconds ago and now there's a hurricane, give me a fucking minute to get caught up, y'all are being way too hostile for this time of day"

John laughed, walking over to a satellite radio that was stood at the back of a counter in the kitchen. It was often on, but mostly to play music as John cooked or lounged around, rarely to hear the news. It was old, something that his father had gotten as a teenager himself, but it still worked. JJ opened the fridge as John twisted a button on the radio, trying to find the right channel. It buzzed and crackled as he went through channel after channel, finally finding the right one.

"The hurricane Agatha continues its steady march towards Kildare Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina"

"Holy shit" John breathed, leaning his back against the kitchen counter, a hint of relief in his voice, "here we go baby". JJ closed the fridge, his mouth stuffed with sliced turkey. "Wait, hang on" Myra said, walking up to the two boys with her eyebrows furrowed "there's a hurricane coming and you're... excited?". John B was adventurous, yes most definitely so, but even this was a new level for him. "Yeah, just think about it..." John trailed, glancing between her and JJ "hurricane Agatha coming in the same day as the DCS is supposed to do my assessment, it can't get better than this". That was a good point, actually. "You don't think they're coming?" JJ questioned, looking at his friend. "In the middle of a storm like this? No I definitely don't think they're coming JJ" Myra muttered, leaning against the doorway. "I'll give them a call and reschedule" John said happily, taking his phone out of his pocket "and then we should probably get ready for a hell of a night"

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