079; myra and john b

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The next morning,
The sun shone brightly, making the water down by the marsh glisten like something out of a story. The warmth radiated over the dry grass and the colourful flowers. A bright blue hue filled the sky, not a single cloud in sight. Birds flew from treetop to treetop freely as they chirped, filling the air with their carefree melodies. It was the epitome of a calm summer's day, one most people dreamed of.

John B was sat by the steps that led onto his front porch, slightly leaned back as he enjoyed the nice weather. The warmth of the sun's rays danced over his tanned face, caressing the bridge of his nose and kissing his cheeks gently. He held a bottle of cheep beer in his right hand, the brownish tinted glass feeling rather cool against his skin. The electricity wasn't back yet, but John B and the others had found ways to keep their alcohol chilled. When you can't have everything you point your finger at you learn to adapt, every pouge knew that. Every pouge lived that life.

Myra walked along the yard, water dripping from her blonde hair. It always got a little more white toned in the summer. The grass felt both dry and warm underneath her bare feet as she made her way over towards the chateau. She had been out for a morning swim. She desperately needed to just submerge herself into the familiarity of the warm marsh water to calm herself down and clear her chaotic mind. It had been a long night at the island club last night. Both with the workload she had been given during the party and the patience she had to force herself to keep when it came to all those stuck up kooks, but also with all the thoughts that John B and Sarah had stirred up within her. When they had caught her with Rafe. It had created a whirlwind of worry within Myra, which she couldn't seem to shake.

She hadn't slept well at all. JJ had picked her up after her shift ended and they had gone back to the chateau to get some rest. She had been awfully quiet, but JJ hadn't asked why. She had assumed that he just thought she was tired, like anyone would be. JJ had seemed to be alright though, happily unknowing of what his best friend now knew. Myra liked to keep it that way, so she just listened as JJ talked during their drive across the island. Apparently their dad was home and not in a good mood, for JJ told her briefly about some argument that they had earlier in the day. As father, as son. JJ didn't go into great detail, but it was enough for Myra to understand why he decided to drive his dirtbike towards John B's place instead of their own home. Not that it was much different, the chateau had grown to be their home too in the past few years. A second home of sorts, a resting place. Somewhere they could always go.

Nevertheless, Myra had tossed and turned in the guest bed that night. John B laid soundly asleep in the next room with Sarah curled up onto his chest. JJ's snores could be heard from the couch out in the living room. Everything was dark and still, but Myra couldn't seem to fall asleep. She somewhat drifted back and forth between a state of light sleep and stirring awake for hours until the sun began to break through the blinds. Myra had then decided to give up, seeing as the night had turned into morning by now anyways. So she put her swimsuit on and headed down to the old wharf, bathing in sunlight for a moment before she finally dove into the warm marsh water.

"Good morning" she called out as she got closer to John B, ringing her wet hair out. Myra watched cautiously as he opened his eyes and sat up a little straighter. "Good morning" he hummed back as his eyes scanned over her, "did you sleep alright?"

Myra shrugged her shoulders as she kept on walking. "No not really" she answered honestly as she then sat down on the steps to the front porch next to the curly haired boy, "what about you?". John B shrugged once too, taking a sip from his beer bottle before he cleared his throat. "Yeah fine enough I guess" he mumbled, gazing away at the sun once more. A moment of silence crept in between the two of them, yet the morning air felt light and easy to breathe in. Myra still felt worried, a thousand thoughts still ran through her mind at light speed. John B was more leaned towards the feeling of dismay, although Sarah had tried to tell him it wasn't too bad. John B viewed Myra as his sibling, just as much as he saw JJ as his own brother. He had never had any biological siblings of his own and it had bothered him as he was younger. John had been a pain in the ass towards his dad for years, nagging him about wanting a sibling but never getting one. Not until he found his brother and sister just down the dirt road. It wasn't blood, but it was just as real anyways.

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