086; the guestroom

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Everything stood still

JJ dropped his flashlight to the floor upon seeing his little sister laying limply in John B's arms. The heavy flashlight hit the old floorboards in the dark living room with a thud. Sarah jumped slightly upon hearing it. JJ's lips parted as he remained still for a second, somewhat shocked and surprised. He then managed to move his feet, hurrying over towards John B to grab Myra. "What the hell is wrong with her?" he asked, squinting his eyes in the dimly lit room. "She's uhm..." John B trailed, unsure what to say as JJ grabbed a hold of Myra's face, turning her head towards him. "She was at a party with me" Sarah intervened quickly, taking a few steps forwards, "so she's drunk, I'm sorry... you can blame me, it's all my fault"

JJ turned to look at Sarah, a hint of disappointment upon his face. Thankfully Myra had her eyes closed, so JJ couldn't see how blow out her pupils were. Her usually so bright and beautiful blue eyes. It was a relief to both Sarah and John B, the both of them knew that it would've crushed JJ.

"John B was nice enough to come and pick us up, we were just gonna tuck her into bed and let her sleep it off" Sarah added. JJ nodded his head swiftly, turning his attention back towards his sister. "Let me do it" he urged, lifting her from out of John B's arms. John let her go, knowing that this was important to him. JJ's guilt for not being particularly involved in his sister's life lately had been growing stronger, but now it had hit its high. Seeing her like this made him realize that he really should start trying more, that he had to. It had just been so much lately with their dad and the chaos that surrounded the treasure hunt. He had a hard time letting her in, even though he wanted to. His compulsive need to keep her out of harms way was stronger, but obviously he had failed.

JJ carried Myra through the dark home towards the guest bedroom at the back. John B and Sarah were quick to follow. On their way Sarah stopped for a second to pick up the flashlight, leaving it on as she directed the bright beam of light down towards the floor. They watched as JJ laid Myra down on the bed that he had previously been sleeping in, pulling the covers over her. She stirred a little, a few inaudible mutters leaving her lips. JJ sat on the edge of the bed looking at his sister, unsure what he was supposed to say or do. He couldn't be mad at her, he himself had been drunk like this countless of times. He hadn't been there for her. He was more so angry at himself for not being able to stop it. He sighed, turning his gaze towards Sarah and John B that were standing by the door. John B had his arms crossed over his chest and his right shoulder leaned up by the doorframe. Sarah stood by him, the flashlight still in her hand.

"It's gonna be fine JJ" John B uttered, recognizing the look of defeat upon his friend's face. He had seen that very same kook many times before. "I know" JJ mumbled, scooting back until he was leaning against the old bed frame. A moment of silence fell upon the room. John B wanted to be honest with JJ about everything that he knew, about this whole mess, but he held his tongue. It didn't feel right, but he knew that now was not the time to let it spill. Instead he stood still, his arms remaining crossed over his chest. Sarah soon handed him the flashlight as Myra stirred again. "Let me braid her hair" Sarah breathed as she tiptoed through the room. JJ and John B watched as she sat down on the edge of the bed right next to Myra, gently placing her fingers in her messy blonde hair.

Sarah had managed to get all the leaves and twigs out before, thankfully, so only knots remained. Myra stirred a little more as Sarah carefully dragged her fingers through her hair, trying to undo as many knots as she could without having a hairbrush. Myra blinked her eyes, opening them ever so slightly in the dark room. Sarah silently prayed that it was too dark for JJ to see his sister's eyes. "S-Sarah?" Myra croaked. Her voice was a little raspy and she sounded confused as she looked around. "Yeah" Sarah hummed, trying to calm Myra down, "shh, lay down and rest"

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