058; questioning

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Rafe and Myra had settled on going back to how things once was that night at the bonfire. They had sat by the rocks, his arm wrapped around her and her head resting on his shoulder, as they decided that they both still wanted to be around one another. It would remain a secret, it was for the best. They still couldn't put a label on what they were, it was too daunting to even speak about. For now they were just something in between friends and drinking buddies. After all, Rafe didn't do love and relationships and Myra wasn't dependent on a man to enjoy her life. More so it had been established that night that neither of them, the kook and the pouge, had ever felt real love. They both knew that things felt different when they were around each other, they just hadn't managed to figure out that it was how love felt, not just yet.

Rafe had walked Myra home that night. The both of them had been high and euphoric, laughing so much that they almost fell over on their way across the cut. A short walk turned into something that took almost an hour and a whole lot of energy. Rafe eventually dropped Myra off by the woods that connected to her yard. It was far away enough for him to stay hidden, yet close enough for him to see her as she stumbled across the dry grass up onto her front porch and in through the front door. Rafe had seen it shut before he had turned around and walked away, calling Topper for a ride home.

"Where the hell did you disappear all night?"

JJ's sharp and annoyed voice rang clear in the darkness of the Maybank home, startling Myra. She stumbled upon her own two feet, falling over just as she had managed to close the front door. JJ was sitting by the kitchen table, leaning his right elbow on it. However he was quick up onto his feet, rushing over to his little sister's side to aid her. He reached his hands out towards her, a concerned look upon his tanned face. Myra grabbed a hold of her brother before she let him pull her back up onto her unsteady feet. "For fucks sake My, you're drunk" JJ exclaimed loudly as he let a displeased sigh echo through the walls of the small fishing shack. "Shhh" Myra hissed, pressing her right index finger up against her chapped lips, "you're gonna wake up dad". JJ sighed as he looked around. "He's not home" the blonde haired pouge boy then spoke, dismay clear in his voice. "Then where is he?" Myra questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. "I don't know, out gambling or at some dingy bar I assume" JJ muttered, grabbing a hold of Myra as to lead her over towards the couch, "the important question here is where the hell have you been all night?"

"What do you mean?" Myra asked as she sat down on the old but oh so comfortable couch in the living room. "You just disappeared as you were getting another drink, we looked all over for you" JJ urged as he walked off. He returned a second later with a bottle of water from the fridge in his hand. He threw it to Myra who caught it with shaky hands. He then sat down next to her, his gaze not leaving her. "So where the hell were you?" JJ questioned again, not able to let it go. "I found some friends from school" Myra shrugged. It wasn't a complete lie, just a half one. Besides it wasn't as if she could tell JJ the whole truth, he would've freaked out, she was positively sure about that. "You found some friends from school?" JJ questioned. "Mhm" Myra hummed like it was the most obvious and innocent thing in the world. She then opened her water bottle, lifting it to her lips. She gulped down almost half of the water in the bottle in one go, feeling extremely thirsty. "Do we have anything to eat?" Myra asked JJ, suddenly feeling a strong hunger come on. She craved green grapes, string cheese, potato chips, shrimps in tomato sauce and gooey brownies but she wasn't sure if there was actually any food in their fridge at the moment. "Not since I last checked" JJ muttered, confirming her suspicions, "if that two week old ham doesn't entice you that is"


"Wait" JJ suddenly called out, leaning in closer to get a better look at his younger sister, "Myra are you high?". Myra leaned back against the couch, feeling a little suffocated by JJ's closeness. It was uncomfortable and he was getting way into her personal space. It was dark in the living room, but he could still see the unusual state of her pupils and the streaks of red that tainted the white of her eyes. "You are" he went on, grabbing her chin to tilt her head towards his, "you're fucking high right now, I can't believe you". Myra sighed, grabbing onto JJ'a arm to pull it away from her face. "I was at a party, I smoked some weed...what's the big deal?" Myra trailed, shooting it down like it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. It wasn't, in fact. Both of the Maybank siblings had a habit of turning to drugs when it came to relaxing. However JJ wouldn't ever touch cocaine, it was too much of kook drug for him.

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