050; the antique store

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Myra and Rafe were still sat in the diner opposite of each other. The morning sun shone in through the windows, illuminating upon them. The clock had just turned ten, so it was still rather early. There they sat, stolen glances and small smiles. There it was again, the two of them both looking at each other a little too long to be just friends.

"What are you doing later today?" Myra asked as her and Rafe were finishing up their delicious breakfast. It had been quite a long time since she had felt this full in the morning. She usually just skipped breakfast, she didn't exactly have much of an option most days. "Hanging out with you" Rafe answered confidently a second later, resting his forearms on the table as he gazed at Myra with a pleased look upon his handsome face. She laughed, not able to hold it back. It was often like that with him. "Do you have time for that?" she teased back, clasping her hands together, "I assume kooks like you have a packed schedule"

Rafe scoffed playfully, glancing away as he gently shook his head. "Oh we do" he pushed back jokingly, returning his gaze to the pouge girl, "but I think I can make time for you". She laughed once more, batting her long eyelashes towards the kook boy. "I'm honoured mr Cameron" she played along, making Rafe chuckle lightly. Myra's gaze then wandered across the diner and out a large window, lingering on the small antiques store on the other side of the road. She had spotted it before and it seemed to be open now. She had been in to it a few times before, but she had never bought anything. Everything there was way out of her budget, but it was nice to just go in there and dream for a little while. Her and her friend Jenna would sometimes go there after school just to roam around and look at the pretty things they sold while dreaming of wealth and a plentiful life that wasn't theirs. Hats, shoes, accessories and bags. Beautiful furniture and old pictures hung in golden frames. Anything could be bought for the right price.

Rafe's wondering gaze followed hers, seeing the small shop. He leaned in a little closer, his hands still resting on the table. "Do you wanna go in there?" he asked, seeing the way Myra looked at the place so longingly, like she was already dreaming. Her head snapped back towards Rafe upon hearing his words. "Yeah, I mean if you want to" Myra mumbled, unsure what Rafe thought about the place. She assumed that antiques were popular amongst the kook crowd, but she couldn't be sure. "Sure" Rafe shrugged, seemingly not having any certain interest in it, "let me just go and pay and we can head out of here"

Myra stood up to follow him, but Rafe stopped her before she could move any further. "You wait here and I'll go pay" he spoke in a determined kind of way, urging for her to sit back down. She stayed still, but she was slowly yet surely falling under his spell. His hypnotic spell. "You don't have to pay for me all the time" she tried to argue, but Rafe simply just shrugged his shoulders. "I know I don't, but I want to so I'm going to" he spoke, nodding his head towards the booth, "now sit down". Myra did so as Rafe walked off, grabbing his wallet out of the right pocket of his pants. She sighed, feeling both thankful and annoyed. It was a reoccurring thing when it came to Rafe, the kook prince of Kildare island.

Rafe returned a minute later, his wallet now tucked back safely into his pocket. "How much do I owe you?" Myra asked as she stood up, eyeing the tall boy cautiously. "Nothing" Rafe shrugged, putting his hand on the small of Myra's back to lead her out of the diner. "Come on" Myra mumbled as she gazed seriously towards Rafe, her feet now moving slowly towards the doors of the diner. "Zero dollars and zero cents" Rafe spoke as he let go of Myra to push one of the glass doors open, a small bell ringing as the two of them left the place. Rafe was relentless, Myra thought, so she gave up on trying to fight him on the matter. It felt useless. "Alright, well thank you for breakfast then" she hummed. Rafe smiled as he unlocked the car, "thank you for the company"

Myra and Rafe soon found themselves at the white painted wooden door leading up to the antiques store. Rafe's big luxurious car was parked right outside by the curb. He opened the door for Myra, watching her as she slipped past him. The store was filled with a wide array of things. It looked a little messy Rafe thought, but he could see why Myra seemed to like it. It looked like something right up her alley. Quirky and unique in its on way. Rafe had never been particularly interested in antiques and stuff like that. There were auctions and antiques showings at the island club quite often, but it had never been his thing so he rarely went. Whenever he did, it was only to accompany his father and Rose. The two of them liked things like that. Living at Tannyhill, Rafe had seen quite the collection of expensive antique things. Rose liked to collect them and show them off in their home.

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