063; day two continuation

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Day two,
It dragged on for forever. Myra kept on working the front desk alone after Rafe had left. The clock on the wall ticked, marking each passing second with its annoying noise. The weather was slowly getting worse. Myra had been staring at the tall windows for, seeing the rain hitting the glass. It smattered, sounding a little louder than the clock.

By 4 pm Myra found herself standing by the front doors to the island club, gazing out. Her shift had ended and a coworker had come to relieve her of the front desk duty. Myra was thankful for it, thus allowing her to finally go home. What she wasn't thankful for was the bad weather just on the other side of the tall doors. She sighed. It wasn't unusual for Kildare island, not at all, yet it was a real pain in her ass. The rain was now fully pouring down and the whistling wind was picking up quickly. Myra knew that she didn't have any other option than to walk home. Her phone still wasn't working due to the cell towers still being down so she couldn't reach her brother or any of her friends.

Myra headed out of the doors with another displeased sigh. She pulled her jacket closer to her as she began to walk, quickly being drenched by the rain. She knew that a heavy storm was coming their way, she had seen it on the news from the front desk. At least it's not another hurricane, Myra thought to herself. She walked in a hurry, the wind pulling at her blonde hair. The rain hit her face. The paved roads out on figure eight were quickly flooding, which completely drenched Myra's old worn out sneakers. They squeaked as she walked. She picked up her speed, feeling cold shivers travel along her skin.

"Hey pearl, do you need a ride?"

Myra was looking down until a familiar voice caught her attention. She gazed up, seeing a large black suv car roll up close to her. Rafe sat behind the wheel. He had the window opened, leaning forward slightly as he shouted through it. Myra was a little surprised to see him again. He had wandered off from the club a few hours ago with the excuse that he had business to take care of. She had assumed that it was something he had to do for his father, but she wasn't sure. Now here he was in his family's expensive car. "Come on, yet in" Rafe urged when he didn't get a response from Myra, "the roads are closing down"

Myra nodded her head swiftly before she walked around the car, opening the door to the passenger seat before she got in. She closed the door only a mere second before Rafe sped off. He wanted to make it back home, but he wasn't sure that he had the time. Whenever a storm of such bad calibre hit the police would head out to shut the roads down. It was a necessary precaution for the roads more than often turned into mudslides. They had experienced five a few car accidents over the past years, so it was just safer to not have anyone out driving.

"Fuck" Rafe muttered as he turned a corner and noticed a road block in the middle of the road. There was a man standing by it, who instructed Rafe to turn back around. He wasn't a fan of it, clearly. Myra jumped a little in her seat as Rafe slammed his right hand on the horn of the car, honking it over and over again. The man in the bright yellow traffic jacket looked annoyed as he gestured to Rafe to turn around once more. He then rolled his eyes before he walked over towards the car. "Hey man, let me through" Rafe spoke directly as he rolled his window down, laying his left upper arm to rest by the window. "This road is closed due to safety precautions, turn around and go back to the closest place to seek shelter" the man spoke. The tone of his voice was just as direct as Rafe's, just a little nicer. "Come on man, let me pass... I live just down this road" Rafe urged once more, dragging the tip of his tongue against the back of his teeth. "I'm sorry, I can't do that" the man spoke once more, "as I said, the road is closed due to safety precautions"

Rafe clearly wasn't used to getting no as an answer, Myra understood that well and clear. She watched as he jammed his hands against the steering wheel, his teeth gritted. "Fuck" he muttered to himself. The man in the yellow jacket glanced into the car, seeing Myra sitting in the passenger seat shivering. "I suggest you and your girlfriend head over to the island club, they provide free shelter until the storm is cleared" the man then spoke. Myra could feel her heart skip a beat at the mention of the word girlfriend. Rafe seemed unbothered. He was too caught up in his frustration she assumed. "Yeah whatever, thanks for nothing" Rafe spat back at the man as he was leaving. The rich kook boy then rolled the wi Dow back up, glancing over at Myra. "As if I need free shelter at the island club" he muttered as he turned the car back around, speeding off, "that's fucking bullshit"

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