037; chemistry

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Myra had left the chateau with many well willing goodbyes. She hadn't told anyone where she was going, just that she was headed out to swim with her friend. JJ knew it was Jenna, or so he thought. Myra was an exquisite liar. She knew just how to make the lies that fell out of her mouth sound believable. JJ probably assumed that his sister was going down to the beach, just  as every other pouge did on a hot summer day, but she was headed to a secret spot out in the marsh. A place where her and Rafe could be alone, free from society's watchful eye. Free from judgement and all that came with a kook and a pouge hanging out. JJ's words rang in Myra's ears as she walked along the woods with a steady pace, her backpack bouncing against her back. Branches creaked underneath her feet. She skipped over stones and her gaze wandered across the tall trees with all of its dry leaves. I'll see you tonight. That's what JJ had said as Myra had left the chateau. A simple sentence, it was so simple and so carefree. Myra therefore assumed that her older brother was planning on spending the night at their home, which he hadn't done in at least a few days. She felt excited at the thought of it, having longed for a moment where her family felt somewhat normal again, or at least together in one house.

Myra soon found Rafe's hidden spot, deep within the rural part of the cut. It was a clearing in the woods. A small wooden wharf hidden amongst tall trees and dry bushes. There was nothing around except an old house that had been destroyed by a harsh storm many years ago. It had been left to face its own lonely destiny now, abandoned. The wharf was old but had seemingly survived the last hurricane rather well. Rafe was sitting down by it, his dirtbike laying in the dry grass a few feet away. He hadn't noticed Myra's presence yet, so she took the moment to stop and look at him, beholding the way he looked so calm and peaceful. He was dressed in a pair of navy blue swimming trunks and a plain white t-shirt. He sat with his legs dangling off of the edge, his shoes by his side. The water looked lovely as it glistened in the sun.

Myra must've moved slightly, for it made a noise just loud enough for Rafe to hear. He turned around in a rush, gazing up at where she was stood, so evidently watching him. It felt wrong in some way. The look upon Rafe's face was now stern and hostile, like he had been caught in the midst of where he wasn't supposed to be. But as soon as he saw her it washed away, the calm manner from before returning once more. "Hey" Rafe greeted Myra as he stood up, beginning to walk up towards her. His steps were long and determined, striding through the long wild grass. "Hi" Myra spoke, clearing her throat. She was holding onto the straps of her backpack, barely moving.

Rafe soon reached Myra, stopping right in front of her. He stood tall in the bright summer light, towering before her. It was mid day, or more so afternoon. Rafe wore a faint smile upon his lips, which suited him exceptionally well. It wasn't one of those sly smirks that he often sported, the look of this smile came off kinder and warmer than usual. "Trouble finding your way here?" he asked Myra, gazing down at her. "No, not really" she shrugged, gazing around them, "your description of this place was quite accurate actually". Rafe chuckled, showing some of his perfectly straight and white teeth. "Good" he hummed, reaching forward to tuck a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, "that's really good to hear, geography was never really my strong suit back in school". Myra felt the familiar sparks jolt through her body as Rafe's fingertips touched her skin. They lingered, prolonging the sensation. It felt like electricity burning underneath her skin and stupid jitters that disrupted the neutral rhythm of her heart. Rafe seemingly had that effect on her, but as to why she didn't know. It had just appeared one day, hitting her all at once. Now it kept coming every time he was near enough. Rafe's fingertips slowly dragged against her cheek, caressing it gently. Myra felt herself hold her breath as Rafe trailed his touch down to her chin. He then let go, taking a step back.

Myra saw Rafe's gaze flicker in between her and the water, like he was longing for it. She leaned forward, standing up on her tippy toes. "Ready to swim?" she asked the kook boy, a playful tone lingering in her voice. Rafe's smile grew a little wider as he turned his full attention back to Myra. "Hell yeah" he spoke assuringly, mimicking her playfulness, "are you?". Myra plopped down on her heels again, gazing towards the water. "Are you kidding me? I've been ready for hours" Myra exclaimed, gazing back at Rafe, "have you felt this heath?". He chuckled as he nodded his head. It was a scorching day. The sun stood high on the clear sky. No clouds blocked it from shining down on the island with all of its warmth. Myra looked at Rafe curiously as she rolled back and forth on her feet.

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