072; day five continuation

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Knock, knock, knock.

Myra sat perfectly still on the couch as another set of loud knocks on the front door was heard, the banging getting a little more aggressive by this point. It echoed throughout the room, breaking the previous silence. Barry pushed himself up from the couch with a displeased sigh. "And what is it now?" he muttered as he dragged his feet across the room, making his way over to the front door. Myra watched him as she moved further down the couch, not wanting to be seen from the entrance of the worn down trailer home. She didn't know who awaited on the other side of the wooden door. It could very well just be one of Barry's pouge customers looking to score some drugs, but it could also be her own dad and she couldn't risk him seeing her there.

Myra watched, her breath getting caught in the back of her throat, as Barry got closer to the door. Her heart pounded within her chest and she felt her mouth dry up slightly. Barry took his time, laying his hand on the door handle. He slowly opened the door, letting the daylight in through the crack. Myra tried to peer over without showing herself, but she couldn't see the person standing out on the wobbly front porch. The one that had knocked so profusely.

"Ah would you look at that... Rafe Cameron"

Myra felt her heart skip a beat at Barry's mention of his name. The kook prince of Kildare. The one boy who constantly had a spot in her thoughts. Myra hadn't been sure when she'd see him again, but here he was, standing at Barry's front door. She didn't know where they stood now in regards to each other, so it was for the best that he didn't see her there. Myra sunk back further against the couch, wanting to just sink through the face of the earth at that point. She was sure that he was just there to buy some more drugs to fuel what he himself didn't see - his addiction. The thing he did for fun every now and then, that had now turned into a need almost every day. Myra wanted nothing more than to become invisible in that moment, like some great superhero out of a comic book.

"Barry, hey" she heard Rafe speak in a rushed manner. His voice rang as clear as usual, making her heart skip a beat. Rafe gazed around the front porch, his eyes soon finding their way into the small house. He could see the mess by the entrance from where he was stood, just not her. Myra stayed hidden on the couch. "Hey man, what's up? What the hell are you doing back here?" Barry questioned, keeping the front door slightly ajar. He made sure to keep his body in between the spring of the door and the doorframe, blocking Rafe out. "I'm looking for Myra" Rafe answered rather quickly, the look upon his chiseled face quite soft. It wasn't anything like how he had looked last night. Barry cleared his throat as he shook his head faintly, "Myra Maybank huh? Does this look like her house? If you're looking for her then what the fuck are you doing here at my door country club?"

"I know she's here"

Rafe's previously soft gaze darkened. The tone of his voice flipped from curious to demanding, sending shivers down Myra's spine. Her heart skipped another few beats, making it hard for her to breathe. Barry leaned forward, blocking more of the doorway as to keep Rafe out of the trailer home. "I don't know what the fuck you're on, but I can't see her around here" Barry spoke, the same kind of determination lingering in his voice. He was sticking up for Myra yet again. She had noticed him doing it every now and then over the past few years. Rafe wasn't a fan of it, taking a step closer to Barry. He tilted his chin up, clenching his jaw. His shoulders rolled back, making the tall kook boy tower before the pouge. "I know she's here" Rafe repeated himself, staring down at Barry, "so let me in"

Myra felt her whole body freeze up. How could he be so sure that she was here? Had he been out looking for her? Would he actually do that? A million thoughts spun around in Myra's mind, making her feel lightheaded and slightly nauseous. Barry's displeased scoff rang through the hot summer air. "She doesn't wanna talk to you" the dark eyed boy spoke up, still blocking Rafe from coming into the house, "so get lost dude"

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