010; peanut butter

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Oh another day, there it was.

A surprise awaited Myra the next morning when she got to work and opened her locker, a jar of peanut butter. It stood on the top shelf, a small note stuck to it. It was the same brand she always got, her absolute favourite. It took her back a little, making her stop in her tracks and stare for a few seconds. Confusion settled within her mind. The jar hadn't been there yesterday when she had left the island club and she definitely hadn't put it there herself this morning. What an odd thing to find, she thought, reaching forward to grab it. She let the jar rest in her hands for a moment, looking down at it. She turned it around, back and forth. It was a completely normal jar of peanut butter, nothing weird about it, other than the fact that she just couldn't seem to figure out what it was doing in her locker or how it ended up there in the first place.

The note that was tied to the top of the jar didn't offer up much more information as she read it, seeing 'To Myra, hope you like it' written across the small ripped paper. It was in rather thin neat handwriting, written in black ink. No signature was left, nothing more than those words. "What you got there? Breakfast?" Cheyenne hummed gently as she walked into the room, eyeing Myra while opening her own locker. "Uhm yeah something like that" Myra mumbled back, looking up from the jar still a little confused, "actually I don't know... this was left for me, it was here when I got in"

"In your locker?"

"Yeah, right there on the top shelf" Myra answered lowly, nodding her head ever so slightly as she sat the jar down next to her on the bench. "What does the note say?" Cheyenne asked, putting her stuff away into her locker. Myra grabbed the jar and handed it to her coworker, showing the aging woman the small and simple note. "Huh" Cheyenne muttered as she read it before handing the jar back to Myra, "that's curious to say the least". Myra put the jar into her backpack before getting changed into her uniform, "right?". Cheyenne closed her locker, looking at the young girl that stood before her. "And you like that stuff?" she then asked to which Myra nodded her head in agreement, putting her hair up into a ponytail at the top of her head. "Yeah I love it" she said with a faint smile as the two of them walked out to the front desk, "it's peanut butter, who doesn't love it?"

"Anyone with a peanut allergy I would assume"

Very funny, Myra thought as a chuckle slipped past her lips. Cheyenne had quite the eye for humour, enjoying the simple little things in their everyday life. Myra grabbed her cherry flavoured chapstick out of her pocket, putting on a coat as she sat down by the computer. She held a certain love for cherries, or Cherry flavoured anything honestly. Just as peanut butter, thank god she wasn't allergic, she wasn't sure she could live without it. She wasn't allergic to anything, as far as she was aware.

Myra and Cheyenne greeted guests all morning at the island club, answering questions and checking them in and out of the the hotel. It was a little busier than yesterday. Myra rented a few golf carts out, the keys to number fourteen still hanging in the locker. It wasn't like she didn't hand them out by purpose, they were going from one and on forwards and thus far only five carts had been rented out. It wasn't like she held onto them for anyone special, however she couldn't help but to wonder if Rafe and his friends would come stomping in, expensive bags filled with various golf clubs by their sides. However she didn't see him as the hours passed, nor did she see his two sidekicks.

A thunderstorm rolled in by the afternoon, bringing dark clouds to the sky. Myra could hear the loud rumble coming from the thunder in the distance. It was quick and came and went without any rain, just some whistling wind tugging at the treetops. It was like the storm was just passing by the island, teasing them a bit. Taunting them with the memory of what Agatha had done to them, then leaving without creating anymore destruction. For soon the skies cleared again, the sun breaking through the heavy clouds. As Myra glanced out she could see the blue returning to the sky, a sigh of relief leaving her lips. They had barely recovered from the past hurricane, she didn't need another hit of horrible weather, not yet.

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