036; meeting sarah

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10:36 AM

Myra was throwing a few things into her backpack as there was a knock on her bedroom door. Three consistent taps, she knew exactly who it was before she even turned around. "What do you want JJ?" she asked, turning on her heels to face her older brother. He was stood by the doorway, having pushed the once slightly ajar door wide open. He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest as he eyed his little sister up and down slowly. "Going somewhere?" he asked, his eyebrows slightly raised. "Yeah" Myra spoke with a nod of her head, her hands resting firmly on her hips. "Dressed like that?" JJ questioned, referring to the bikini top and the denim shorts she was wearing. "Well yeah" Myra shrugged, letting her arms fall to her sides, "I'm going swimming with a friend"

"Which friend?"

"It's none of your businesses" Myra muttered, blinking her blue eyes profusely at her brother. He furrowed his eyebrows, taking a step into her room. "Okay grumpy" he muttered back, sticking his hands into the pockets of his dark cut off denim shorts, "what's up your ass today?". Myra sighed loudly and displeased before turning around to shove a towel and a pair of sunglasses into her bag. JJ chuckled, rushing over to where she was stood to poke her sides. He had a real sense of exactly how to annoy her in the most productive way. "I'm only joking, you know that right?" he teased, still poking her. "I know, I know" Myra stated, pulling away from him as she smacked him on his upper arm. "Ouch" JJ muttered, taking a step back. Myra closed the backpack up before she turned around to grab a shirt, a big loose t-shirt that hung over the back of her desk chair. It was a old one, but undoubtedly one of her favourites. JJ eyed her, following her every move carefully. "Who's your friend?" he asked. "Huh?" Myra mumbled as she pulled the t-shirt on over her head. "Who's your friend?" JJ repeated himself, eyeing her curiously, "that you're going swimming with... who is it?". Myra grabbed a hair tie from off of her night stand before she turned to face her brother again. "Why does it matter who it is?" she questioned as she gathered her messy blonde hair up into a ponytail, tying it away. JJ let another frown form upon his face, a rather serious one. He didn't like it when Myra played mind games like this. He got annoyed when she danced around all of his questions. "Why are you being so secretive about it?" JJ asked, lowering his voice slightly. Myra couldn't help but to grin slyly towards him. She felt annoyed at the way he would constantly poke his nose into her business, while at the same time she found it hilarious to tease him. "I'm not" she answered, taking a step closer to her brother, "but I just asked you... why does it even matter who it is I'm going swimming with?"

"It matters cause I'm your brother" JJ urged, a little concerned. Myra let out a frustrated laugh as she gazed around her room. "Oh my god, it's just Jenna" she lied, playing it off like it was nothing, "you know my friend Jenna from school? She's been around here like a thousand times before Jay". JJ rolled his eyes, suddenly feeling a little stupid. Perhaps his demeanour had been a tad bit harsh, he thought. "Yeah I know Jenna" he huffed. "Right, and you're afraid she's going to drown me or some shit?" Myra kept on pestering, pushing her lie even further. It wasn't like she could tell JJ the truth, that she was going out to swim with his mortal enemy, so she had to keep on going to make it believable. Besides, Myra found it extremely funny to tease her brother as much as she possibly could. So when she got the opportunity, she just had to take it. "What? No, no of course not" JJ blurted out, shaking his head vigorously, "Jenna's like... a total geek"

"Yeah right, so there you go" Myra cooed playfully, skipping over towards JJ to pat his right cheek in a annoying manner. Myra enjoyed it, but her brother didn't seem too amused by her antics. "What's your plan for today?" she then asked him, taking the hostile yet fun teasing down a notch. "Just hanging out with John B and the others" JJ answered. "The others?" Myra questioned, furrowing her eyebrows slightly. It was a weird way of referring to Pope and Kiara, she thought. "Yeah you know, Pope, Kie... Sarah" JJ answered a little reluctantly. Myra pushed her lips together as she nodded her head once, taking in the words that had just spilled out of her older brother's mouth. "You're hanging out with Sarah Cameron?" Myra questioned. She was aware of the situation, just vaguely enough. She only had the little piece of information that JJ had told her after the night that John B broke his arm to go off of. "Mhm" JJ hummed as an answer, gazing away, "you know, Johnny likes her". "I'm aware" Myra spoke gently, clasping her hands together in front of her body, "I think it's quite sweet actually, don't you?". Myra was trying to test the waters with the whole kook and pouge relationship thing. It was perhaps a way of softening the blow that would come if JJ ever found out that she had been spending time with Sarah's older brother. They weren't anything like John B and Sarah, but still, she might as well investigate it now that the topic had arose. But JJ didn't seem as delighted as young Myra. "I guess" he shrugged nonchalantly, seemingly not wanting to talk any further about it, "I mean Sarah's cool and whatever, I didn't think she would be... but turns out she's not that bad"

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