076; caught

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The island party was in full swing, but Rafe and Myra stayed away. They left the small backroom that they had previously been standing in, both happily unknowing as to what was about to come. Myra walked out first, the round black plastic tray tucked firmly underneath her right arm once more. She headed over towards the bar to drop it off and to tell the bartender that she needed a quick break. It was somewhat of a lie but still she made sure to be extra sweet about it, batting her long eyelashes towards the older boy behind the bar. He so easily agreed, waving her off. Myra thanked him just as sweetly, dropping the tray on top of the bar before she rushed off through the crowd of dressed up kooks. Rafe walked out after her, his shoulders pushed back and his chin tilted up. He walked calmly through all the party guests, like he owned the world.

The two of them agreed to meet up by the bathrooms in the back of the island club, a place that they hoped wouldn't be too busy. Myra was stood with her back leaned against the wooden fence of the back porch of the building, her hands nervously fiddling with the hem of her black dress. Rafe had that effect on her, in a mostly good way, whilst the other kooks around here managed to make her just as nervous but in a uneasy and uncomfortable kind of way. She gazed around, soon seeing Rafe walking over towards her. His nice brown leather shoes clicked ever so slightly against the wooden deck. He looked as handsome as always, his light linen suit being tailored to him and his shirt being all nice and crispy white.

"There you are, hurry up" Myra urged, still gazing around. A faint laugh slipped past Rafe's lips as she grabbed a hold of him, leading him towards the bathroom. "Someone's in a hurry" he spoke, a smirk finding its way onto his lips. Myra gazed up at him, seeing the way it spread so quickly and easily. Rafe was staring right down at her and she knew that he wasn't done with whatever he wanted to convey. "A hurry to get me all to yourself?" he asked, seemingly intrigued as he leaned down a little and raised his eyebrows, "just you and me in a bathroom all alone..."

He was teasing her, just as he often did. He seemed to enjoy watching her get all flustered. "Rafe, get your dirty mind in control please" Myra spoke as she felt her cheeks flush with a familiar sense of warmth, "and come on, hurry up". Myra pulled a little harder on Rafe's arm and he followed her willingly, laughing as he did so. Myra managed to pull him into the small bathroom before she let go, his chuckle still ringing out into the humid summer air. Rafe lost his footing slightly, stumbling backwards a few steps before he managed to lean his back against the sink. His hands grabbed onto the cold porcelain as he steadied himself. He then looked at Myra, his arms scanning over her pretty face and small frame. "You look nice tonight" he hummed, still keeping his eyes on her. Myra mumbled something as she drew in closer towards Rafe, faintly nodding her head. He wasn't sure what she was saying but he managed to catch a small thank you from her lips.

"You look like a real kook girl" Rafe whispered in Myra's ear as she got closer, sending shivers down her spine. His bottom lip almost nibbled against her ear lobe. She pulled back, needing to keep herself unattached from him as much as possible. "Sounds like a real nightmare" she teased back, once more making Rafe laugh. Myra then grabbed his arm, the one with the nasty burn upon his skin. A burn that had been caused by Barry. A burn that looked like it hadn't been cleaned since it happened. Rafe had felt it sting, so he had put some ice on it for a while. He had then proceeded to ignore the wound like it wasn't there. Just feeling it gave him anxiety, he couldn't bare to look at it. He just wanted it to go away. He wanted all the bad things in his head to just go away.

"What happened between you and Barry?" Myra asked carefully as she turned the tap water on, sticking her index finger into the water to make sure that it wasn't too hot or cold. "It's not a big deal" Rafe assured her as he tried to shrug it off, but Myra couldn't help but to feel that he wasn't being genuine in his statement. "Why did he do this to you?" Myra asked once more, pushing it a little further. "It doesn't matter, it's nothing important" Rafe repeated himself, standing his ground. He then watched as Myra sighed, soaking a paper towel and gently dabbing the wound clean. It stung Rafe's skin which made him flinch slightly, but at least it wasn't as bad as how it felt when he got the wound in the first place. "I don't believe that" Myra urged, looking Rafe straight in the eye. It was now his turn to sigh. "Did you two get into a fight or something?" Myra kept on pushing when Rafe didn't answer. Another sigh left his lips. "No" he then muttered. "No?" Myra asked, her eyes darting over him and his wound as she continued to clean the patch of burned skin. "No, I already told you... it was more of an argument" Rafe clarified, "just a stupid argument"

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