085; roofied

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"Sarah what the fuck is going on?" Myra heard John B ask as he pushed his foot down on the gas pedal of the Twinkie. The car rustled as is jolted forward, leaving the big kook house behind. As soon as they turned the corner the sirens of more cop cars could be heard. "Fuck that was close" Sarah breathed, leaning back against the old leather seat, "Rafe really did it this time". Sarah wasn't talking to John B in particular, more so to herself, but the brown haired boy reacted strongly.

"What did Rafe do?"

John B's eyes flickered from the dark room ahead of them back towards Myra who was laying in the backseat staring up at the ceiling. Sarah let go of a jagged breath, dragging her fingers through her blonde hair. "Sarah, what did Rafe do this time?" John B asked again as she didn't answer, his voice a little louder this time. He was stressed, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "Nothing" Sarah answered, her gaze flickering in between her boyfriend and Myra. She knew what John thought of the younger girl, she knew how worried he got. John was as much her older brother as JJ, Sarah knew that. "He didn't do anything to her, if that's what you're thinking" Sarah added, able to easily guess what John B was thinking in that moment, "he just got into a stupid fight, he was actually looking out for her"

"I don't believe it" John B muttered, staring straight ahead. The whole Rafe and Myra thing still didn't sit well with him and he wasn't sure it ever would. It didn't feel right. "I wouldn't either if I was you" Sarah agreed, shifting in her seat, "but it's true"

A moment of silence filled the car as John B let the words Sarah had spoke sink in. His gaze flickered once more. He caught a sight of Myra, seeing the way her head bobbed back and forth with each small bump in the road. Her left arm was resting by her side but her right arm had fallen down from the seat, laying limply as they drove. "Looking out for her" John B muttered as he turned his attention back towards the road, "if Rafe was looking out for her he sure as hell didn't do a great job". Sarah sighed. She knew where John B was coming from, yet he hadn't been there to see what went down. Sarah was sceptical of this whole thing too, but not at the same degree as her boyfriend, so she sat quietly. It made John B look at her. "She's blackout drunk Sarah, we can barely get any contact with her, it's bad" he spoke seriously. "Everyone will have a bad night sometime in their lifetime right?" Sarah shrugged. "No" John B shook his head, "not like this"

Another moment of silence overtook them. John B turned a corner, leaving figure eight behind. Sarah pushed her lips together as she gazed out of the window, feeling tired. Myra soon interrupted the quiet car ride by shifting around and dry heaving. "You okay My?" John B asked, to which she only blabbered back, making no sense. John B could hear her gag once more before he stomped on the break, stopping the car. Sarah jolted forward a little. "Sorry" John B mumbled to her, gently stroking her shoulder before he pushed his car door open and jumped out. He was quick to get to Myra, pulling her out of the old car. Sarah followed, seeing the girl with the messy blonde hair bent over by a ditch. She still had a few small branches and leaves in her hair and frankly, she looked like a complete mess. The light had left her eyes and she looked drained. John B was sitting by her side stroking her back as she threw up again.

Sarah kneeled down by them, her eyes scanning over John B and Myra. He looked worried, more so now than before. After Myra had thrown up again she fell to her side, unable to move. She couldn't get her brain or limbs to cooperate, she could barely feel a thing or even think. John B pulled her up so that she was leaning on him. Her head dipped down limply. "How much did she drink?" John B asked Sarah, glancing up at her. "I don't know... I-I, uhm" Sarah mumbled, stopping to think, "I mean I didn't see her drink more than a glass or two but I wasn't really with her that much". John B nodded slowly, "but your brother was, right?" he asked. Sarah nodded.

"Myra hey, how are you?" John B asked as he grabbed a hold of Myra's chin, tilting her head up. She was relying on him with all her body weight. Her head followed his swift motion, but she was unable to focus her eyes on him. It was like Myra's body was there, but her soul wasn't. She could hear John B and Sarah talking, but she couldn't pick up on any of their words. It all sounded like distant gibberish. Myra could sense their presence, but she could barely see them. Everything was blurry. Her ears rang and her chest and throat hurt. Her skin tingled and her limbs felt heavy. She couldn't understand anything, she could barely string a single thought along.

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