012; bailing jj out

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The clock was one in the afternoon as Myra walked into the island club, her mood still a little off from yesterday's commotion. She felt tired and not in the mood for work, but it seemed to be a slow day. "Myra, hello, good afternoon" Cheyenne's voice rang across the large entrance hall, awaking Myra just a little more. "Hey" she hummed back, stopping by the front desk for a moment, resting her elbows upon the glass top, "how are you today Cheyenne?"

"I'm good sweetheart, how about you?" the aging woman spoke sweetly from where she was sat by the computer. "I'm fine" Myra answered, trying to sound as happy and positive as she possibly could. Fake it til' you make it, right? Myra then noticed a bouquet of flowers standing on the desk, making her furrow her eyebrows a little. "They're decorating the front desk now?" she asked a little sceptically, to which her coworker laugh. "I wish my dear, wouldn't that have been nice? No, no these are for you" Cheyenne spoke, taking Myra back a little. "What?" she asked confused, standing up a little straighter. "Yeah, they came this morning, addressed to you" Cheyenne hummed, glancing in between the young girl and the large bouquet of flowers, "there's a note attached to them, but don't worry, I didn't look at it"

Myra huffed a little, slowly making her way over to the flowers, inspecting them. They were beautiful, with two big light pink peonies in the centre. Her eyes danced over the greenery and the abundance of small white and light pink flowers that surrounded the peonies. She didn't know the names of the other flowers, but they matched the peonies well. Her fingertips grazed over the note that came with the bouquet, opening it to read; To Myra, sorry things got a little messy... hope you like the flowers, stay behind the front desk where you're safe.

"Who are they from?" Cheyenne asked curiously, once more eyeing the young girl. Myra flipped the note around, inspecting every inch of it before she sighed, looking at her coworker. "I don't know" she mumbled, leaving the flowers be, "it doesn't say"

"You you've got a secret admirer around here"

Myra let out a chuckle as Cheyenne's words settled within her, profusely shaking her head. "Me? A secret admirer? No, definitely not" Myra disagreed, walking around the desk to head to the back to change into her uniform. "Oh I definitely do think so honey, first the jar of peanut butter and now this" Cheyenne challenged, "it's a pattern". Myra couldn't believe it. "Nope" she shook her head before she disappeared into the back, "two's only a coincidence Cheyenne"

Myra had barely worked an hour before Pope and Kiara came storming in through the lobby, their steps rushed and their cheeks flushed. "Myra! Myra!" they yelled out, disturbing the peace in the large entrance hall. Myra looked up, her lips parting slightly as the two of them ran over towards her, leaning onto the front desk. "What's going on?" Myra asked upon seeing Kiara's frantic gaze and hearing Pope's heavy breathing. "JJ's down at the police station" Pope heaved out and Myra felt her heart sink within her chest. "What?" she croaked out, blinking her blue eyes in chock, "why? What happened?". Kiara laid a reassuring hand on Pope's shoulder, calming him down a little, "he got arrested, I'm not really sure why... something about property destruction"

"What?" Myra asked again, not able to get another word out. Kiara glanced at Pope, a wondering gaze in her brown eyes, as if she was begging the dark skinned boy to tell them more. He didn't, he kept it all very vague. "It's all a blur" he mumbled as he gazed down at his hands.  "So what, Jay actually got arrested?" Myra questioned once more, having a hard time believing the words that came from Pope and Kiara's lips. "I'm afraid so" Kiara hummed lowly, "Shoupe handcuffed him and took him down to the station, he's there now"

"Fuck" Myra breathed, standing up with her hands finding their way to the back of her neck, "they're gonna call dad". She could feel the panic begin to build up within her small body, her breathing becoming more rapid. "This isn't good, this is not good... guys this is bad, really bad" she blabbered on, unsure what to do. "I know" Pope muttered, his jaw clenched and his eyes glossy. "I have to get down there" Myra breathed, the newfound stress overwhelming her "I-I have to... I have to get to him"

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