038; the mainland

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Myra took a chance,
With her bag packed and her sunglasses resting on the bridge of her nose she walked along the harbour of Kildare island. The place was packed with a lot of people, hence making it easy for her to blend in. Her mission was to go unnoticed, to just slip away. She walked with rushed steps towards the ferry, her backpack bouncing on her back. She had been home in a hurry to pack and change her previous clothes into a pair of linen pants and a tank top. She suspected the evening on the mainland to become a bit chilly, so she had grabbed a knitted cardigan on her way out. No one had been home, leaving the small home both calm and slightly eerie. She knew where JJ was, but she wasn't sure about her dad.

Myra made her way onto the rather large ferry, gazing out at the ocean. The glimmering light of the bright shining sun illuminated upon the surface of the water. The ferry ride wasn't expensive, but it wasn't often Myra went on it. She had only been to the mainland over the day a handful of times throughout her fifteen years of life. Myra lifted her sunglasses off of her nose, letting them rest on top of her head. She walked along the boat, her right hand dragging gently against the metal railing. She was looking for her secret kook boy, hoping that he had boarded by now seeing as the ferry had began to move. It left the harbour as Myra gazed at the island, her home, that slowly got smaller and smaller until it disappeared out of her view.

Rafe and Myra had agreed to go back to their homes on the cut and figure eight and gather a few things for an overnight adventure before going to the island harbour to catch the ferry to the mainland. They wouldn't tell anyone and they'd board separately only to find one another on the boat. It would be their secret and their very first date. A secret mystery of some sort. Something new. Myra felt jittery and a little nervous about it. It burned in the pit of her stomach, making her almost feel a little sick. She grabbed onto the railing of the boat with both of her hands, keeping her gaze out onto the glimmering water as she steadied herself. She held on, letting go of a breath that she had held in for a second or so longer.

"Hello little miss Maybank"

Myra jumped at the sudden sensation of two firm hands grabbing her waist. She was spun around before she could do anything else about it. Rafe stood before her, dressed in a new clean shirt and a pair of light washed jeans. A pleased smirk was evident upon his lips and his blonde hair had been both washed and styled neatly. "Fucking hell dude, you scared the shit out of me" Myra urged, smacking Rafe's upper arm as her racing heart began to slowly calm down. Rafe chuckled, seemingly pleased with himself. It got Myra to relax a little. She sighed, slumping her shoulders as a faint laugh slipped past her lips. "You're scared of me?" Rafe asked funnily, leaning in a little closer as he raised his eyebrows. He kept his hands on Myra's waist, which pushed her back against the railing. "No" she answered assertively, sticking her chin out. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of a shaky yes. His ego didn't need it, besides she wasn't scared of him. He was just a kook boy. Rafe grinned, leaning back as he gazed away. He didn't reply, he just pushed his lips together. Myra tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, gazing in the same direction as the boy before her. He was looking at the ocean, a stern expression now upon his face. He was still, as if lost in a deep thought. "Do you wanna sit down?" Myra asked, moving so that she was now in front of him, catching his attention. Rafe took a step back, looking down at Myra. "Yeah" he mumbled before he began to look around the deck of the boat, nodding his head over towards a few empty chairs further away, "over there"

Myra followed Rafe across the deck, sitting down next to him by two chairs that were stuck to the wall a few feet away. The area wasn't crowded at all, leaving the two teenagers to be all alone. The wind had picked up out on the open ocean, stroking their cheeks with its cool breeze. Myra leaned back, smelling the familiar salty ocean scent. It relaxed her further, giving her a sense of not being too far away from her comfortable home. Rafe's gaze flickered between the glimmering water and Myra, something curious hidden within their Atlantic blue hue. "Have you been to the mainland before?" Rafe asked her calmly, rolling his shoulders back as he sat up straighter in his chair. "A few times" Myra shrugged, a faint smile upon her lips, "although its been a while". Rafe nodded slowly. "When was the last time you went?" he asked, leaning in a little closer to Myra. "Last year I think, it was just for the day... a school trip" she answered lowly, pulling her gaze from the water to look up at Rafe, "what about you?"

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