055; bonfire

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Myra followed her brother and the others along to the bonfire down at the boneyard. The sun had settled, leaving the cut with a comforting darkness and a starry sky. The warm orange flames from the fire lit up their surroundings. Joyful laughter and lighthearted conversation filled up the air around the six teenagers. Sarah soon took off to greet someone she knew, some kook girl with short denim shorts and pink lipstick. John B watched her go with googly eyes.

"Come on boys, let's grab something to drink" JJ muttered, dragging Pope and John B with him. Myra watched them leave, dragging their feet in the sand. Kiara's brown eyes followed JJ for a split second before she turned her attention towards Myra, the younger Maybank sibling. "I'm glad you came with us tonight, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" Kiara spoke, a sense of ease in her gentle voice. "Yeah" Myra agreed, scratching the back of her neck. She couldn't exactly tell Kiara where she had been spending all of her time lately, or rather with who. Kiara was in a similar kind of situation. JJ had been very clear to the entire group about not telling Myra about the gold, so Kiara let it remain on her tongue. "So how's work at the asshole factory?" she. Myra let a faint giggle slip. Kiara was sharp with her words, as always. "It's alright" Myra answered, loving Kiara's harsh nickname for the island club. "How's the kooks treating you?" the girl with the dark curls asked, seemingly a little worried. She was technically a kook too, but it wasn't something they spoke about like ever. "They mostly ignore me so I'm fine" Myra spoke, to which Kiara nodded.

JJ, John B and Pope soon returned with six red plastic cups in their hands. "You managed to steal some beer from the kooks I see" Kiara pointed out, her brown eyes scanning over the cups and the three boys. "Hell yeah" JJ exclaimed, handing the kook turned pouge girl a cup, "it's like Robin Hood, take from the rich and give to the poor". Kiara laughed, taking the cup. "I don't think Robin Hood was talking about beer when he said that JJ" she pointed out, to which JJ just shrugged it off. Pope handed a cup of beer to Myra. "Thank you" she hummed back, offering up a kind smile towards the boy. Pope nodded, smiling back before he took a step back, taking a small gulp of the liquid.

The five of them sat down in the sand with their beers, just like old times. Soon a conversation engulfed everyone except Myra. She slowly sipped on her beer as something else caught her attention, or more so someone. She chewed anxiously on the top of her plastic cup, her eyes glued to a spot further down the beach. A tall blonde haired boy with a confident smirk upon his lips and a bottle of beer in his hands. Rafe Cameron. He hadn't noticed her yet, for he seemed fully focused on the conversation he was having with a group of kook boys and girls. Myra didn't recognize any of them except from the blonde haired girl that had been snorting cocaine with Rafe back at the kook party she had attended with him.

Myra blinked her blue eyes, fiddling with her cup as the others kept on talking. Sarah came wandering back, a wide smile on her pink and glossy lips. She sat down next to Myra, cooing a sweet "hi". Myra was torn back to reality, turning her head to look at the younger Cameron sibling. "Oh uhm, hi" Myra replied, trying to act cool, like she hadn't been staring at the blonde haired girl's older brother. Sarah furrowed her eyebrows for a split second, her gaze flickering over towards where Myra had been looking, seeing her older brother. Sarah then looked back at Myra, leaning in. "Is he bothering you?" she asked, her words leaving her lips as a mere whisper. "Who?" Myra asked, trying to come off as clueless. "My brother" Sarah hummed, blinking her brown eyes. "No, not at all" Myra lied, shaking her head faintly, "I don't even know him"

Sarah's gaze wandered across Myra's face for a moment longer, as if the blonde haired girl was searching for something. Myra didn't offer anything more up, so she eventually gave up, turning her focus back to the group. Myra breathed out, taking another sip of her beer. She wasn't sure if Sarah was suspicious or if she had managed to fool her. With the thought in the back of her mind Myra turned her attention back towards the other corner of the beach with the intention to secretly stare at Rafe, but she was met with a pair of brightly shining blue eyes. Atlantic kind of blue. Rafe was already looking at her. He had noticed her. He stood still with his shoulders pushed back and his lips slightly parted. He stared as he lifted the dark green glass bottle of beer to his lips, slowly gulping it down.

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