067; day three continuation

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The sun shone in through the blinds of the rental property out on figure eight. The property which Rafe's dad owned, that the nineteen year old kook boy and the fifteen year old pouge girl had sneaked into last night. Rafe and Myra had spent the night there, falling asleep to the sound of the whistling wind and harsh rain. However, the storm had passed, leaving Kildare island with a warm sunny glow.

Myra stirred awake on the couch next to Rafe, feeling his gentle breathing against her neck. He had his arm draped around her waist, holding her close. She blinked her eyes, slowly letting them get adjusted to the bright light. Birds were chirping outside of the window and the island seemed fully awake. Kids were heard playing out on the street and cars and bikes drove by. Myra sat up abruptly, waking Rafe up. "Fuck" she called out, pushing her messy blonde hair out of her face, "fuck". Rafe rolled onto his back, blinking his eyes profusely as he looked at her. "What's going on?" he asked, his voice raspy and low. Myra turned her head to look at him, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, "what time is it?"

Rafe stretched his arms out as he looked around, seemingly a little confused. Myra stared at him, feeling her heart beat harshly inside of her chest. He looked handsome even though he was barely awake. The light of the day danced over his face and the muscles of his upper arms and shoulders flexed as he moved, distracting Myra. She waited as Rafe looked for his phone, finally finding it. "Uhm..." he trailed, looking at the bright screen, "the clock is almost one". Myra sighed, a little relieved. "Oh thank god" she hummed as she sunk back down against the couch. "Why?" Rafe asked, furrowing his brows. "I thought I overslept" Myra added. "Overslept?" Rafe asked, still a little confused, "are you trying to get out of here or what?"

Myra giggled, leaning forward slightly. Rafe eased up, a faint smirk finding its way onto his lips. "No" Myra clarified with a small smile, "trust me I could stay here all day with you, but I have to go to work". Rafe slowly nodded his head as he reached his hands out, grabbing Myra's waist. "Oh you have to go to work yeah?" he asked, the tone of his voice sounding a little teasing. "Yeah, I have a shift at two" Myra answered, looking at the tall and handsome boy before her. He was somewhat glowing. "Mhm" he hummed as his grip around her got a little firmer. "Mhm" Myra mumbled back. Rafe then pulled her closer with one swift move, startling Myra a little. A giggly shriek slipped past her lips as she fell forward, placing her hands down on Rafe's toned chest. He laughed lowly, seemingly amused by the way he could catch her off guard.

"So you're leaving huh?" Rafe asked, the rasp in his voice mesmerizing Myra. "I have to" she complained, which made Rafe shake his head. He pushed himself up in the couch, twisting around so Myra was now lying underneath him. She felt herself hiccup as her back hit the couch cushions. Rafe's gaze trailed over her face for a second before he leaned down, placing a firm kiss on her lips. It was unexpected, yet longed for. Myra had found herself liking the way Rafe would kiss her way more than she ever thought she would, much like a missing piece of herself had finally been found. Their lips moved in perfect sync for a moment, pausing the time.

Rafe pulled away a second later, his hands remaining firmly on Myra's hips. "I'll go with you" he spoke, his voice soft and gentle. "To the island club?" she asked, blinking her blue eyes. "Yeah, I'm feeling like hitting a few balls out on the golf course so I'm gonna give Top and Kelce a call" Rafe clarified, his voice a little louder now, "so I can drop you off". It wasn't as much a offer as a demand, Myra could tell. However she didn't mind. Not having to walk to the island club gave her a little more time to get ready. "Okay" she hummed, nodding her head, "sounds good"

Rafe nodded once before he leaned down again and placed one last kiss onto Myra's lips. It was short and sweet. He then let go of her, pushing himself up. Myra could feel the warmth of his hands leaving her skin, making her long for him once more. Rafe stood up, dragging a hand through his hair. "I'm gonna take a shower" he declared as a playful grin appeared on his lips, "wanna join me?"

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