083; spinning

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Here we go again, the words echoed within Myra's mind over and over again. Much like a bad omen. She turned her head to look at Rafe, seeing the pure rage that was quickly building up upon his face. It was clear. The drunken high relaxation he had previously felt was washed away, much like it had never existed. Given Rafe was quick to switch whatever he was feeling out for anger, but this time it was almost scary. It was like flipping a switch, like a lightning bolt hitting him. Myra would feel him tense up, his right hand gripping her shoulder.

"Look who's back with his little pouge whore"

Rafe was quick up onto his feet, stomping over towards the same boy that had uttered those exact same words at a party before. Myra rushed up, hurrying after the tall kook boy as she saw him clench his fists. "You didn't learn your lesson last time buddy?" Rafe's loud and angry voice rang out into the late night air, he then let a frustrated laugh spill past his lips before he continued, "fuck you're about to learn now, pay close fucking attention or I'll have to hit you harder this time"

Rafe's right fist collided with the other kook boy's jaw, making him stumble backwards. Myra gasped as she quickly made her way over, just as Rafe hit the boy a second time. "You're a fucking traitor" the boy yelled, clearly getting angrier too. He regained his balance, stepping forward to punch Rafe back. "I'm a traitor? I'm a fucking traitor? You're out of your fucking mind dude" Rafe yelled back, ducking one punch but getting hit by another, "I own this island, my family owns this fucking island, do you hear me?"

The party was slowly stopping around the two boys as more and more people started to take notice of their drunken brawl in the backyard. The boy punched Rafe and he punched right back, over and over again. Myra grabbed a hold of Rafe's shirt, desperately trying to pull him back. He wasn't moving, no matter how hard Myra tried. Yet it gained his attention, for he looked down at her for a split second. "Stop Rafe, please stop, this isn't worth it" she pleaded. Rafe brushed it off, gently pushing Myra back. "You are worth it" he assured her as he charged at the boy once more. Myra felt her heart start to beat harshly inside of her chest, stress building within her every vein. She wasn't sure what to do as the two boys kept on hitting each other.

Myra then spotted Sarah running over towards them. "Thank god" she mumbled to herself as Sarah reached her brother. "What the fuck is going on?" Sarah exclaimed as she grabbed a hold of her brother, pulling him back before she stepped in between the two boys. "Stop it, stop, come on guys, you're ruining the party" she yelled. "Tell that to your brother, he's the one ruining the party, he brought a pouge with him" the kook boy yelled loudly, wanting everyone around them to hear. Like it was the end of the world that Rafe was being seen with someone less rich and influential than himself. "So what? You really think that's a big deal?" Sarah turned around to ask the boy, her hands on her hips, "grow up you fucking loser"

Rafe was still fuming, but Myra couldn't help but to laugh. The boy scoffed as he dragged his hands through his hair, fixing it after the fight. A few boys who seemed to be his friends were drawing closer to him, patting him on his back. Myra gazed in between him and Rafe, seeing the way Rafe's shoulders were still tense and his fists this clenched. His knuckles were turning white by now. His jaw was clenched too, urging Myra to get up on her tiptoes to gently drag her fingertips along his cheeks, soothing him. "Walk away" Sarah instructed the kook boy. "Yeah get the fuck out of here" Rafe shouted loudly, his eyes dark with anger. The boy scoffed as he did so, still looking at Rafe with the same kind of darkness;

"This won't be the last you'll see of this Cameron"

Sarah quickly turned to her brother. He stomped forward but Sarah remained still in his way, staring at him with a serious gaze. "Let it go" she spoke clearly, her gaze burning holes into Rafe's skin. "Go have a drink or do whatever you were doing before" Sarah then added, surely meaning the white powder kind of drug that Rafe enjoyed so much, "but let him go, he's an asshole, don't waste your night on him, right Myra?"

THE PICTURE OF YOU -rafe cameron-Where stories live. Discover now