062; day two

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Day two leading up to the island club party,
Myra was working at the front desk when Rafe came stomping into the lobby. Cheyenne wasn't working today, thank god for that Myra thought. Cheyenne had already seen enough when it came to young Myra and Rafe. She was sat alone by the computer, her coworker having been moved to the restaurant about a half an hour ago. Myra didn't bother standing up to greet Rafe, even though he was now heading straight over towards her. He seemed to be in a bad mood. His chiseled face displayed a stern expression.


Rafe greeted her as he reached the front desk, slamming his hands down on the glass top. He held onto something which caught Myra's attention. A small plastic bag. It was hard to see exactly what it was underneath his hands. Her gaze flickered from his hands to his face, her eyebrows slightly raised. "Hey" she spoke back, barely moving. She remained sat by the computer, her hands resting on the keyboard. Rafe looked at her, his gaze wandering across her. He didn't speak another word, which Myra found a little odd. He had been the one who walked up to her after all. "Can I help you with anything?" she therefore asked, blinking f her blue eyes. She wasn't rude by any means, but she wasn't exactly the most polite either. To her Rafe wasn't like any other customer, she didn't feel the need to be overly nice towards him. "Here, this is for you" Rafe suddenly spoke, not answering her previous question. He handed her the small bag that he had held in his hands, sour candy. Myra grabbed it, looking down at the delicious treats. Sour cherry gummies, one of her favourites. She always looked at them at the store, but rarely got them. She didn't have enough money to waste on things like that.

"Sour candy?" she asked a little confused, gazing up at Rafe. "Yeah, it's cherry flavoured and sour so I thought you might like them" he huffed, shrugging his shoulders, "I thought about anonymously sending you flowers again, but I figured I'd just stop by since you've caught me on that one". Myra chuckled faintly. "I do like them, thanks" she answered referring to the sour candy, still a little confused, "but why are you giving them to me?". Rafe pushed his lips together, dragging the tip of his tongue along the insides of his cheeks. He gazed away, patting his lips before he looked back at the girl that he adored so. "You know" he blurted out, hoping that she would understand. Myra sighed as she put the candy aside, standing up to face Rafe. "I really don't" she hummed, leaning the palm of her hands on the glass top of the front desk, "please enlighten me"

Rafe sighed as he dragged his hands along his neck. "Come on pearl" he groaned. "Come on asshole" Myra snarled right back. "It's for that, you know the whole asshole thing" he muttered, letting his hands fall to his sides. "So this is your way of saying sorry?" Myra asked, her gaze wandering in between the bag of sour candy and Rafe who was standing before her. "Something like that yeah" he agreed, nodding his head. He was thankful that he didn't need to say it out loud, the words I'm sorry. He hated hearing himself say it for it only enforced the fear of what he didn't want to become - a loser. He didn't want to be wrong, but saying sorry was like admitting to being just that, wrong. A lot of things were wrong with Rafe, he knew it and he could feel it all the time, yet he pushed it away. He pretended like it wasn't real. He was doing the exact same thing himself that he had grown frustrated with Myra for doing just the day before.

Myra sighed before she grabbed the bag of candy, sliding it back across the desk towards Rafe. "You can't just buy your way out of arguments" she spoke directly, looking up at him. "That's not what I'm doing" Rafe tried to assure her, sliding the bag of candy bag towards her. "That's exactly what you're doing Rafe" Myra corrected him, once more pushing the small plastic bag over towards him, "you can't just start a whole thing with me and then throw a gift at me and think that it'll go away, that's not how life works"

"I know that" Rafe urged a little louder, returning the tug of war motion of sliding the candy back to Myra, "but that's not what I'm doing". Myra's gaze burned onto Rafe's skin. She was growing impatient. "You're doing it right now smart ass" she spoke, sounding frustrated as she pushed the plastic bag back to the kook boy. He groaned as he dragged his hands over his face. He then leaned in closer to her. "Fine, I'm sorry Myra" he admitted, grabbing a hold of the candy before he slid it over towards her again, "just take the candy". Myra gazed down at it, craving its goodness. "Fine, I will" she hummed, grabbing the plastic bag. Rafe stood back up again, watching her as she opened it, grabbing a piece of the sour candy. She popped it into her mouth, clearly enjoying it. Myra then reached the bag over towards Rafe, offering him one. "I'm good" he spoke lowly, to which Myra raised her eyebrows. "Come on, you have to try one" she urged, shaking the bag, "they're my favourites"

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