026; boat night

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Look at the stars,
Bright shining stars, everywhere. Myra gazed up at the clear night sky, seeing millions of them, each telling a compelling story of their own. Forming different shapes together. Shimmering and blinking. It was mesmerizing, so beautiful, like something truly out of this world. Her and Rafe were out on the open water, the darkness of the late evening surrounding them completely. Everything was still and peaceful. Not a single light from Kildare island could be seen from where they were, only making the stars appear even closer and brighter than she had ever experienced before. She laid down on a lounge chair on the deck of the boat, listening to the faint sound of waves gently hitting the boat. A mild breeze could be felt around her, making her shiver a little.

Rafe walked out onto the deck with a blanket and two bottles of beer in his hands. He stopped by Myra without uttering a single word. She gazed up at him, his tall figure towering over her. "Thanks" Myra hummed quietly, sitting up as she took the beer that Rafe now handed her. Rafe nodded once, laying the blanket over her bare legs, taking notice of the goosebumps that had formed on her skin. He then sat down on the lounge chair next to her, gazing up at the stars. Myra let her eyes wander over him, seeing the way he seemingly got lost in a thought so quickly. She took a sip of her cold beer, sighing gently. She felt relaxed within his presence, weirdly enough.

"Well..." Myra trailed, making Rafe turn his head to look at her, "you were right after all, the stars do look amazing from out here on the water". A faint smile pulled at the corners of Rafe's lips, "I told you so". His voice was low and calm, a lot gentler than before. Myra smiled back at him, she couldn't help herself. He liked being right, it thrilled him. Rafe's gaze locked onto her face for a moment, observing her in the dim light of the moon. It illuminated across her face, making her skin almost glow. The rosiness of her cheeks appearing a little softer and her blue eyes beaming a little brighter. In that moment he thought that she looked like some kind of an angel, innocent and heavenly. The way her kind smile paved a way through the darkness, it was bewitching. He gathered himself, taking a sip of his beer as he forced himself to look away. He couldn't give in like that, he had to remember who he is.

Myra wanted to ask Rafe the one thing that had been spinning around inside of her mind all day, why he had brought her here. Why he had even invited a pouge out on his family's boat in the first place. She felt curious about his intentions, but a little scared of his answers, so she kept her lips pushed together in silence. Instead, she let her gaze wander across the wide starry sky, thinking about all the people back on the island that were admiring it too. Rafe finished his beer as they sat there in silence, letting the seconds turn into minutes. He then stood up, turning to face her with a dull expression. "Do you want another one?" he asked, fiddling with his now empty glass bottle. Myra raised her beer, shaking it a little as to show him that she had about half of the bottle left. "I'm fine" she said said gently, "I'm still working on this one"

Rafe nodded faintly before he walked off, soon returning with a new bottle of beer in his right hand. Myra hadn't kept count of everything Rafe had drank during the day and evening, but she had taken notice of how he sure seemed accustomed to alcohol. Not that she cared, she wasn't any better herself. She let the thought go as her gaze once more trailed across the night sky, finally finding its way back to the kook boy that was now sat down next to her. Rafe was staring out in front of him, his blue eyes locked onto the dark water before them. Myra watched as he slowly sipped on his beer, gently blinking his eyes. She felt compelled to talk, since he wasn't, but she had no clue what to say.

"Are you alright?" Myra soon croaked out carefully, thinking that Rafe looked a little down. He seemingly snapped out of his long train of thoughts, quickly turning his head towards the young pouge girl. He had his eyebrows pulled down into a faint frown and his lips pushed together. "What? Yeah, yeah I'm fine" Rafe spoke hurriedly, looking around. "Okay... good" Myra hummed quietly, taking a sip of her beer. "Mhm" Rafe mumbled, gazing off. His demeanour definitely didn't give off a being fine kind of vibe, Myra thought, but she didn't want to push him. She barely knew him, she didn't feel like it was her place to do so.

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