016; sunrise

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How things could change in the blink of an eye, it's hard to believe.

Myra had, for some unknown reason, went against everything she had ever been taught and accepted Rafe's offer to go and see the sunrise with him. A kook boy who had been a total asshole towards her older brother on more than one occasion. A drunk ungrateful rich boy with violent and egotistical tendencies. His words echoed throughout her mind as they walked side by side. He wanted to see a sunrise and he wanted her to come with him. She wasn't sure as to why he had asked her to come with him, when he had made it so clear before that he hated pouges of all kinds and wanted nothing to do with them. Nevertheless she had said yes, unaware as to why regarding that matter too. She couldn't do more than to blame it on him being drunk and her being so utterly tired and overworked after tonight's event.

Rafe didn't speak, he just walked slowly, stumbling upon his feet every now and then, making Myra laugh quietly to herself. He noticed however, a faint smile pulling at the edges of his lips. The streets were empty and dark, the lighthouse in the distance offering them some sense of direction in the darkness. They soon reached the beach. Myra stopped for a moment to look out at the ocean, taking notice of the way the moon and the stars reflected on the surface of the water so beautifully. Rafe stopped behind her, his gaze going the same direction. She crossed her arms over her chest again in an attempt to almost hug herself as she watched the waves roll softly into the shore. Rafe's drunken gaze wandered from the ocean in the distance towards her, dancing over every goosebump forming on the skin of her exposed arms.

"Are you cold?" he croaked out, making her turn around to look at him. He was stood closer than she had expected, making her look up a little. He was significantly taller than her. "Uhm, it's a little chilly but it's fine, it's whatever" Myra mumbled in a rush, averting her gaze as she pulled her arms in a little more in an attempt to keep her warmth. She had been so focused on getting herself and Rafe out of the venue that she had forgotten her bag and jacket back in her locker. She turned around again, her gaze finding its way back to the ocean. It was mesmerizing, glimmering with the calmness of the starry night. Rafe didn't respond, but Myra heard him shuffling around behind her. Soon she felt the warmth of something sweep around her shoulders and arms, relaxing her a little. His light blue dinner jacket. He had taken it off and given it to her. "You don't have to..." she trailed as she turned around to see him standing in his pressed white shirt. "It's fine, I'm not cold anyways" Rafe interrupted her, shaking his head as she tried to give him his jacket back, "just take it"

"Thank you" she hummed gently, seeing him smile ever so faintly as he returned his gaze towards the ocean. He soon took his shoes off, holding them in his hands as he began to walk down towards the water. She was quick to follow him, taking her shoes off too. She relaxed even further upon feeling the comforting sensation of the sand underneath the soles of her feet. Rafe sat down in the sand just as she caught up to him. She hadn't ever pictured him as someone to enjoy the beach like this, but he looked calm, like this was a part of him. She would've rather thought that he was one to complain about sand than to sit down in it and run his fingers through it.

"It's nice huh?" she heard him huff quietly, his gaze flickering between the clear night sky and the water. "Yeah" Myra hummed back, sitting down next to him. Another moment of silence found it's way in between the two of them, just as before. But this time it wasn't as awkward. It wasn't loaded with tension or hatred, it was actually rather nice and peaceful. Like the universe didn't care that they came from two different parts of the island.

"Look in the inner pocket" Rafe then blurted out, his gaze travelling towards Myra, something peculiar burning within his eyes. She did so, reaching into the inner pocket of his light blue dinner jacket that hung around her shoulders. Her right hand felt something familiar. She raised her eyebrows as she pulled out a small ziplock bag filled with a green mush. Rafe smiled a little wider, something wild hinting in the way he was looking at her. She went on, finding rolling paper in the same pocket. She handed it to Rafe without saying anything, seeing the joyful look upon his face. "Do you want one?" he asked as he began rolling a joint. Myra sat quiet for another moment, thinking that she probably should say no. It was the sensible thing to do, but her fingertips ached for the relaxing feeling she knew so well. "Sure, why not?" she replied, to which Rafe nodded.

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