020; the party

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There they are again, those intoxicating blue eyes of his.

Myra turned around, slapping Rafe's hand away from the back of her ear. His touch on her skin had left shivers running down her back, making her almost freeze in place for a second. Rafe however was smirking down at her, like he didn't care, like he wanted to make her angry. "It's you again" Myra muttered, gazing up at the tall boy that was stood towering before her, so closely. "Yeah" Rafe nodded in agreement, the smirk on his lips only growing wider, "happy to see me?"

Myra parted her lips as to speak, but before she had the chance to utter a single word Rafe had taken a step closer to her, now staring directly at Cody. "Mind if I steal her away for a moment?" Rafe asked the pouge boy, which came out as more of a demand than a question, "she owes me a drink". Cody took a step back, a gentle half hearted smile upon his lips as he nodded. "Yeah, she's all yours man" Cody said, gazing at Rafe before he looked back at Myra, "I'll see you around Maybank"

"Yeah I'll see you, bye" Myra hummed quickly as she watched Cody turn around and walk away, sipping slowly on his drink. "Bye bye" Rafe added, his eyebrows raised, almost in a mocking way. He then grabbed a hold of Myra and twirled her around so that she was facing him again. "Who was that?" Rafe asked sharply, his blue eyes darted in her direction. "That was Cody" Myra muttered in a unimpressed manner, taking a sip of her drink. "Is he your boyfriend?" Rafe asked, leaning in a little closer. He was direct. Myra could sense some kind of bitterness dripping off of his words and she could see Rafe dragging his tongue against the inside of his cheeks just after the sentence had left his lips. She grinned faintly, raising her eyebrows with curiosity. Why did he care? Why did it matter to him? She took another sip of her drink, prolonging the time he had to wait for her to answer. He seemed impatient, gritting his teeth together. "No" Myra finally answered, dragging the words out on her tongue, "he's just someone I go to school with"

Rafe nodded slowly, the previous look of annoyance washing off of his tanned face. He began to smirk faintly as his gaze darted over her, finding its way to her blue eyes. Myra took another sip of her drink, waiting for Rafe to speak, but he kept his silence. The music blared around them and the air was hot. Second after second passed, making Myra feel a little anxious yet again. "Why did you do that?" Myra then asked, not able to take another moment of this tension between the two of them. "Do what?" Rafe asked, chugging some of his drink down. "Shoo Cody away like that, it's wasn't very nice of you" Myra clarified. "It wasn't very nice?" Rafe asked, raising his eyebrows again. Once more he seemed amused by Myra's irritation. "Yeah, it was kinda rude" she muttered, blinking her blue eyes. "Rude, huh?" Rafe mumbled, smirking as he looked around. Myra watched as Rafe took another sip of his drink, simply not caring. She sighed loudly, wanting him to hear, "yes Rafe, rude"

"What are you drinking?" Rafe then asked, changing the subject, like nothing was wrong. Like he hadn't just intruded on her personal space. Myra sighed again, swirling the liquid around in her red plastic cup. "I'm not sure actually" she shrugged, fiddling with the cup, "something with tequila in it... you?"


Myra nodded once before chugging the rest of her drink. She put the now empty plastic cup down on a nearby table, turning to face Rafe once more. "Can I get you another one of whatever that was? Or maybe some of my whiskey?" he asked, once more sounding demanding. Myra's mind flashed back to what he had said moments earlier to Cody, about how he not only wanted to steal her away from him but how he thought that she somehow owed him. "I don't owe you a drink" Myra spoke as loudly as she could, crossing her arms over her chest. Rafe suddenly looked a little flustered, like her harshness had offended him. He took a moment to gaze around the room, leaving her hanging, before he looked back at her. The light in his eyes had now shifted, turning into something darker. It was a curious kind of annoyance, like a blue flamed fire. A dangerous one. "So you're into games huh? That's your thing?" he asked, his voice lower than before. "N-No" Myra stuttered, shaking her head profusely. She didn't understand what he was going on about.

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