044; the ferry back

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"So what happens now?"

Myra's question was direct and of great relevance to both the kook and the pouge. It was something she had managed to just blurt out without thinking any further, which inevitably caught Rafe's full attention. The two of them had checked out of the hotel and made their way down to the Charleston harbour to catch the next ferry ride back to the island of Kildare, their home. On the way they had stopped for milkshakes at a ice cream parlour. Myra had gone for her classic cherry while Rafe had opted for vanilla. A few minutes remained before the arrival of the boat, which allowed Myra and Rafe to sit down on a bench by the water. "What do you mean?" Rafe asked lowly, not sure what else to say. He knew what Myra was alluding to, he just didn't want to face it. "When we go back..." Myra trailed, gazing out at the glistening water before them as she slowly sipped on her cherry milkshake, "what will happen?". Rafe pushed his lips together as he tapped his fingertips along the paper cup in his hands. "I don't know" he answered a little nonchalantly, as if he was clueless to what she was speaking about. Myra turned towards him, a bit of the honesty from the morning still lingering around. "This whole trip has been... I don't know what to say, uhm, magical I suppose and I... I've had a really good time" she spoke, her voice steady at tone but vulnerable, "I actually enjoyed being here with you quite a lot"

Rafe couldn't help but to smile, which caused him to turn his head to the left. He didn't want Myra to see the effect she had on him, how just a few simple words from her could lighten his whole mood. But he had to confess to himself that hearing her talk about their trip and him in that way really did light something within him. He could surely feel his own heartbeats so clearly, in a good way. "Yeah I've had a good time with you too" Rafe then spoke, not wanting to leave her without an answer. He really tried his hardest not to be rude, which he could so easily come off as usually. "So?" Myra asked, taking another sip of her milkshake, "what happens now? Do we just go back to the island and pretend like this never happened? Is this just a memory for when we're old and grey and haven't seen each other in years? Is it just that and nothing more?"

Myra's words echoed within Rafe's wandering mind, bouncing back and forth, never quieting down. He wasn't sure what to answer, for he wasn't sure what was supposed to happen now. Being on the mainland, far away from everyone he knew and every must in his daily life, everything had felt so simple and easy. He felt as if he could be with her without any doubts. He could laugh and joke and just be freely without a second thought. He didn't have to worry about anyone seeing them or anyone whispering behind his back. He was in control, nothing else mattered. They could roam every street and talk as loudly as they wished about anything. But back home things were different. Wherever Rafe turned he saw someone he knew, either a person who adored him and wanted to be in his crowd
of money and popularity or a person who envied him for all he had and wanted nothing more than to break him apart. People whisper and people talk, rumours spread like a wildfire. The two sides of the island are parted and it's supposed to be that way. It is that way for a reason, something that shouldn't be broken or ignored. The rules of the nature.

Myra seemed disappointed with Rafe's sudden silence. She kicked a few pebbles with her feet, glancing around the harbour. Rafe felt his chest growing tighter and tighter with each passing second, making the breezy summer air hard to breathe. "Do you want it to be like that? A distant memory and nothing more?" Rafe asked lowly, needing reassurance. Myra snapped her head back to look at him. "No" she answered with certainty as she held her paper cup firmly in her hands. "So what do you want it to be?" he asked again, turning the question towards her. Myra seemed stumped, like she had expected him to tell her how he wanted things, not the other way around. "Uhm, not the same as before I suppose" she answered, being awfully vague. "Not the same way as before?" Rafe asked. "Mhm" Myra clarified. It was cryptic to Rafe, like some kind of a girl code which he couldn't decipher. "So we go back to Kildare..." he trailed, awaiting her to fill him in. "I go back to my fishing shack out on the cut and you go back to your nice mansion on figure eight" Myra hummed, taking a sip of her milkshake. "And then what?" Rafe asked, feeling as if she was once more playing a game with him, when in reality she was just as shy to answer truthfully as he was. Both of them felt it, whatever it was, they just couldn't seem to get the appropriate words out. "And then we go back to living our lives again, just like before" Myra mumbled, gazing off. "But you said you didn't want things to go back to how they were before?" Rafe questioned, leaning forward a little, "so if you go back to the cut and I go back to figure eight and we just continue to live our lives, then what will change?"

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