047; two thirty in the morning

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02:12 AM,
Myra headed out the door of the island club with Cheyenne next to her. Another worker had come to take over, her shift running through the rest of the night and into the early morning. It was dark outside and a little murky as if it was going to rain, Myra could feel it in the chilly air. It hung there, not to be ignored. Living on an island like this made one awfully aware of the signs to look for when it came to the quickly changing weather. Cheyenne had agreed to drop Myra off at her home, which she was ever so thankful for. Myra definitely did not feel like waking, not at this late hour in this unpleasant weather. However when the two coworkers got outside a surprise awaited them. A large black SUV stood parked by the curb just a little to the left from the large front doors. As Myra stepped out onto the pavement, the window rolled down, revealing a face she knew all too well by now.

"Do you need a ride home?"

Rafe's voice rang clear and direct out into the late night air. Myra's gaze flickered in between the kook boy in the car and her coworker next to her. "Uhm" was all she managed to speak before Cheyenne nudged her. "Seems like you're all set girl" the aging woman spoke, something funny lingering within the tone of her voice. Myra rolled her eyes playfully, to which Cheyenne stroked her cheek. "See I told you to go for a kook boy and here he is at your feet honey, take it and appreciate it" she then added. "First of all I don't need a kook boy to take care of me Cheyenne, I'm fine" Myra commented lowly, "secondly, he's not at my feet at all, he's just being nice". She did not want to seem impolite to Rafe. He had sat in the lobby of the island club flipping through his book until one thirty in the morning, then he had disappeared only to show up now behind the wheel of his expensive car. It was almost as if he had purposely awaited for her shift to end, but that couldn't be... right?

Rafe waited patiently as Myra kept chatting with Cheyenne. "I can of course drop you of at home if you want me to dear" Cheyenne spoke, giving Myra some comfort. She smiled, glancing in between her coworker and Rafe once more. "No it's fine, but thank you" Myra assured Cheyenne before she turned back towards Rafe, offering him a polite smile. "About that ride... it would be appreciated" she added. Rafe nodded his head firmly, "alright, get in". He then leaned over a little further, seeking contact with Cheyenne, "mam do you need a ride?". Cheyenne seemed flattered, laying a hand on her heart. "Well aren't you a sweetie" she cooed, looking at Rafe, "thank you young man but I'm alright, I've got my car over there"

Cheyenne soon headed home and Myra opened the passenger door to Rafe's car, hopping in. She buckled her seatbelt as Rafe sat watching her, his blue eyes scanning over each part of her body. It was as if he was searching for something. "What?" Myra questioned upon catching him doing so. "Nothing" he shook it off with a smile, gazing away. He sat still for a moment, not starting the car. It was tempting for Myra to ask if he did in fact wait for her shift to end, but she held back. It felt too risky and she didn't want to embarrass herself if she was wrong. Rafe suddenly moved, starting the ignition of the car with a swift motion of his hand as he turned the key to the right. He lifted his foot from the break pedal and they began to move, Myra's gaze wandering out of the window. It was hard to see anything in the darkness of the night, she mostly just saw her own tired looking reflection.

Her and Rafe sat quiet. The radio wasn't on and the night was still and silent. Myra wasn't sure what to say, or if there needed anything to be said in the first place. Rafe drummed his fingertips onto the steering wheel, as if he was humming a silent tune within his mind, one she couldn't hear. "Did you finish your book?" Myra asked after a little while, gazing over at the tall boy. Rafe's eyes stayed glued to the dark road ahead of them as he answered, "uhm no, not yet"

Another moment of silence engulfed the two of them, making them one with the stillness of the night. Myra was tired, but she was still able to appreciate the calmness. She had always been a night owl. She liked the way everything just slowed down a little after sunset, it gave her a moment to think without interruptions or distractions. She liked the long cozy nights when everyone was asleep except her. The pouge girl glanced at the digital clock in the car, seeing it brightly beam 02:24 now. She yawned slightly, her gaze wandering up towards Rafe who was driving. He didn't look tired at all, his blue eyes beaming with light. He was looking straight ahead, some of his blonde hair stroking against his forehead. He kept on drumming his fingertips along the steering wheel, his lips pushed together. Myra found herself wondering if he was a night owl too, and if he enjoyed the late night as much as her.

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