029; the anywhere place

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"Why'd you hit that guy?"

Myra's question rang out into the cold air of the late night, creating a hollow space between her and Rafe. They were in their anywhere place, which happened to be a patch of dry grass in a empty park a few blocks away from the kook house that they had been partying in. Rafe was laid on his back, his hands resting behind his head. Myra gazed at him, mesmerized by the way he was almost glowing. "Huh?" Rafe mumbled, his blue eyes locked onto the starry night. "That guy back at the party..." Myra trailed, laying on her stomach with her elbows propped up and her chin resting in the palms of her hands, "...you hit him, why did you do that?"

Rafe looked over at Myra slowly, like he was having a hard time comprehending what she was asking him. "Uhm" the kook boy muttered tiredly, blinking his eyes before he let the rest of his words spill out, "he's a dickhead Myra... that's why". The pouge girl chuckled, slowly nodding her head. Rafe's aggressive habits were beginning to settle in for her, it was like flipping a switch. "Do you do that a lot?" she asked curiously, feeling the skin all along her body tingle. Everything was still kinda blurry and kinda dizzy, even though they had escaped the party scene. "Do what?" Rafe asked, sitting up a little as he raised his eyebrows. "You know..." Myra giggled, letting her words trail off into nothingness. "Hit people?" Rafe questioned, a hint of intrigue mixing with something a little devilish within the tone of his voice. A blueish flame of danger burned within his eyes, pulling Myra into his tumultuous world. "Yeah" she hummed, leaning closer to him. Rafe shrugged, a smug look creeping onto his chiseled face, "nah, just whenever I have to"

"Which is a lot?" Myra questioned, her eyebrows raised as she looked at the well off kook boy before her. He seemed unamused. "People are fucking dumb Myra" Rafe declared, like he had every reason in the world to use and abuse his kook status, "it pisses me the fuck off". Myra didn't question Rafe any further, she just rolled over onto her back, letting her arms sprawl out across the patch of dry grass they were on. She let go of a deep sigh, feeling at peace. The white powder had taken over her completely and it made her feel euphoric. She looked up at the stars upon the dark night sky, feeling the chilly breeze stroke gently against her rosy cheeks. She couldn't help but to think of everything that was going on around her while she just laid there in the grass. All the people that were moving around on this earth and all the people that were laid asleep in their beds in their different looking homes. It didn't matter what time it was or where they were, or if they were kooks or pouges, it was happening all at once underneath the very same sky.

The night was still, and Myra let a moment of silence settle in between her and Rafe. It was a comfortable kind of stillness. It made room for the sound of the faint wind as it blew through the leaves on the nearby trees. No birds were heard, no cars and no commotion. The darkness surrounded them, except from a small street light further down the park. Myra could hear Rafe's gentle breathing next to her and as she gazed over she saw his chest slowly rise and fall. He was looking up at the starry sky again. He seemingly had a fascination with it, a look of having gotten completely lost within its light upon his tanned and chiseled face. "You didn't have to hit him" Myra whispered gently, blinking her blue eyes, "not for me... I'm just a pouge anyways"

"I know" Rafe shrugged, still looking up at the stars. He had a faraway kind of look upon his face, like his mind was somewhere distant. He blinked his eyes slowly, observing every twinkle of each star in the millions of constellations before him. His voice was somber and slightly monotone. "I know I didn't have to hit him, I don't have to do anything" Rafe continued after a few seconds, still refusing eye contact with Myra, "but it wasn't a problem, I enjoy putting people in their place... especially stupid fucking assholes like him who have no idea what they're talking about"

THE PICTURE OF YOU -rafe cameron-Where stories live. Discover now