060; sneaking around

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A half an hour later it was finally time for Myra's break. She hurried to the back, not telling her coworker Cheyenne where she was going. She assumed that Cheyenne would simply think that Myra was rushing off to grab a much needed cup of coffee and sit back and relax for a few minutes. Myra could've done well with the caffeine by now for she felt utterly tired, but she was more intrigued by the message that Rafe had left behind. It drew the young pouge girl out towards the back of the large island club. She gazed around, looking for the tall kook boy that she couldn't seem to stay away from. No matter what happened and despite however much Myra told herself to not fall for it, she always found herself right back to his side.

"Look who's here, took you long enough pearl"

Myra jumped a little as she turned around, seeing Rafe leaned up against a nearby wall. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he stared right at her, a cocky grin upon his handsome face. "Sorry" Myra muttered, scratching her left arm, "I had to wait for my break". Rafe nodded his head slowly as he pushed himself off of the wall. He made his way over to her, reaching his hands out to grab hers. The familiar sense of electricity returned to Myra's body, jolting through her veins and tickling her skin. Rafe pulled her closer to him as he backed again, getting closer to the wall of the back of the building. "What did you want to see me about?" Myra asked curiously, liking the way her hands felt as they were holding Rafe's. "About this" Rafe hummed lowly, his voice sounding alluring as he flipped around, pushing Myra up against the wall. He then leaned in closer, letting his hands fall from hers. It didn't take his hands long to find her face, cupping her cheeks before he leaned in, closing the space between them with a heated kiss.

Myra closed her eyes in an instant, relaxing into the motion of him. There was something soft hidden beneath all of his power hungry harshness. Her hands rested upon his toned upper arms as she let him push her further up against the wall. Kissing him, it felt like heaven. It was sweet and soft, yet a little needy. Rafe dragged his right thumb up against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Myra's heart was beating so hard that she thought it might explode at any given moment. Rafe deepened the kiss, a low and faint moan slipping past his lips. It sent a whole new kind of euphoria through Myra. A fire was burning within Rafe, much unlike anything he had ever felt before.

Rafe pulled away for air a few seconds later, now towering before Myra. He was still very close, so she could feel his hot breath tickle on her skin. The cocky grin from before found its way back onto Rafe's lips rather quickly. He had his gaze locked onto Myra, his blue eyes burning brightly. Myra wanted to breathe out a mesmerized wow but she held it in, not wanting to come off as lame. Rafe was the first person she had ever kissed, but he didn't know that. She didn't want to seem inexperienced, for she was sure that he had kissed a hundred girls before her.

Rafe soon stood up straighter, increasing the space between the two teenagers. His gaze danced over Myra as she remained still, leaning up against the wall. Rafe parted his lips as to speak, keeping his eyes on her. "Did you like the flowers?" he asked, sparking a sudden reaction out of Myra. She almost jumped up, her eyes widening. "I knew it was you" she called out, pointing her index finger straightly towards the tall kook boy that was standing before her, "all those gifts... the candy, the peanut butter, the flowers, I knew they were from you"

Rafe chuckled as the cocky grin from before reappeared upon his face. He seemed pleased about the whole situation, as if he had accomplished something great. Rafe shrugged his shoulders, slightly raising his eyebrows. He didn't exactly answer, which made Myra step closer to him. "I knew it" she pointed out once more. Rafe leaned down, his blue eyes locked onto Myra's tanned face. He gripped her chin in between his thumb and index finger with such ease, smirking wider. "Smart girl" he huffed, getting close to her face. He stared at her, letting his fingertips drag along her throat. "I was me" he then confessed before he stood straight up again, "I'm glad you liked the gifts"

THE PICTURE OF YOU -rafe cameron-Where stories live. Discover now