071; day five

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Day five leading up to the island club party,
Myra walked through the woods, her old worn out shoes against the dirt and fallen branches. She needed a moment of clarity, just being by herself away from all the chaos. The birds chirped peacefully all around her, flying freely from treetop to treetop. The wind caressed the leaves, making them dance. The faint breeze stroked her rosy cheeks and the sun broke through the trees, warming her skin with its rays. It was another day with great weather, a hot Thursday afternoon.

Myra had spent all of her Wednesday at home. First she had laid in her bed, refusing to get up. A mixture of anger and regret had filled her as she had thought about Rafe, tossing and turning. Then a switch had flipped within her, making her long for him as she thought about his charm and his bright blue eyes. She hadn't been sure how to feel or what to do, so she had gotten up and started tidying up the house. It was something her father or older brother rarely did, leaving the small fishing shack a complete mess most of the time. Myra was used to it, although she didn't particularly like it. Every now and then she would find the energy to actually clean up the place. Doing the dishes, sweeping, picking up bottles and dirty clothes, dusting, wiping off the tables, cleaning the windows. This time it was fuelled by all of her conflicting thoughts towards the tall kook boy she had found herself messily involved with. Cleaning up, putting things back into their places, it soothed her. After she was done she had gone swimming.

Today she woke up feeling exactly the same. Empty, angry, spiteful, longing and conflicted. JJ hadn't been home and her father was sound asleep on the couch, leaving the place quite clean so there wasn't really much to do. Myra had tried to silence her messy mind with a swim down at the marsh by their house. The water had been warm and nice, but it had gotten boring after a while. At least it didn't numb her feelings, more so it rattled her thoughts even further. After having mowed the lawn and thrown rocks from their old and wobbly wharf, she put her shoes on and went for a walk. The woods offered some much needed comfort, but she still felt the strong urge to just scream.

After a while Myra found herself at the very outskirts of the cut, a familiar trailer home coming into sight. She dragged her feet across the large and messy yard, walking up the wobbly steps of the front porch. She lifted her right hand to knock on the front door to the worn down house. Knock, knock, knock. The door was usually open and music was often blasting around here, so she wasn't sure if anyone was home. Knock, knock, knock.

"Hold on, hold on... I'm coming"

The wooden front door with chipped off paint opened and Myra was faced with a familiar pouge. Dark stripy hair, dark eyes, tanned skin with marks and cuts. A light purple hue tinting underneath his eyes. A curious and crooked smile, some gold visible on one of his teeth. Barry, the one and only. He wasn't the picture perfect friend, no. Myra wasn't even sure if she could call him her friend, however he somehow always managed to give her a sense of relief. It wasn't how most people would describe the boy, but it didn't matter to her. "Blondie" he croaked out, laying his dark eyes onto Myra, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Hey Barry" Myra hummed, rolling back and forth on her feet. She wasn't sure what she was doing there at his doorstep, she had just let her wandering feet bring her here. "Are you busy?" she asked, not answering his original question. "Not really" the dark haired boy shrugged, gazing around. "Can I come in?" Myra asked, gazing straight at him. Barry pushed his lips together, seemingly a little surprised by her question. "Uhm, yeah sure" he hummed, slowly nodding his head. He stepped out of the way, opening the front door even further, allowing Myra to walk into his messy home. Barry looked at her for a second as she slumped down on his old couch, gazing off. "Alright" he called out as he closed the front door, clasping his hands together before he walked over towards her, "what's the matter with you now? World's ending or some shit?"

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