048; the beach at night

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Rafe sat in the damp sand down at the beach, his forearms resting on his knees. He sat completely still, the only motion from his body being the slow blinking of his blue eyes and the way his chest rose and fell so gently as he breathed in and out. He was staring right ahead, seeing the dark horizon. He sat watching the waves slowly rolling onto the shore, the sound of it pulling him into some kind of a trance. The brightness in his eyes had dulled down, simmering out into the same kind of darkness as the late night. His mind was blank. He was tired, but not in the way a good night's sleep would cure. It felt like a everlasting kind of exhaustion, one that would never leave him be. It had become a part of him by now.

The beach was empty besides all the fish in the sea and him and Myra, the pouge girl he found himself so selflessly drawn to. Wherever she went, he wanted to go. He didn't even know how he kept on ending up by her all the time, he subconsciously wandered her way. Suddenly there she was, over and over again. His mind could be as blank and empty as now, a loop of darkness, and he still managed to end up next to her on the beach. Lately he had came to the realization that he has 2 weak spots, two and only two, being his little sister Wheezie and Myra Maybank, his girl. Given, she wasn't his girl, not spoken out loud in the real world anyways but in his mind she belonged to him in every way.

Rafe thought she looked as pretty as the sun as she sat there next to her. The sun couldn't be seen now, only the moon, yet Myra glowed like the warms rays of a sunny mid day. She had the energy of the sun radiating off of her, even in the darkest of times. Maybe that was one of the things that drew him towards her? He was like the moon, seeking the sun but never to have it. It would burn him too badly.

Rafe moved his head, gazing down at the girl that was sitting next to him. She had her hands in the sand. He wanted to reach out and hold onto her, like he had done many times before, but the sensation of her skin suddenly felt daunting. Like he would actually get burnt if he touched her. Like this was it. Myra took notice, dragging her gaze away from the dark ocean to look back at Rafe. She raised her eyebrows slightly as to ask him silently if everything was alright. He looked a little defeated she thought, but she didn't want to bring it up. Rafe was running away from his problems at home, it was clear to see. When things got too intense and messy, he ran off. He usually did that when it came to girls too. He wasn't one to stick around long enough for real emotions to form. The second things started to turn serious he took off, leaving it all behind for someone new. It wasn't like that with Myra, he couldn't seem to leave even if he knew that he probably should. Every time a new emotion came around, it only drew him in further, intriguing him.

Myra gazed up at Rafe, gently blinking her eyes. She smiled faintly, wanting to let him know that everything was going to be okay. He sighed as she moved a little closer, resting her head on his shoulder. Time stopped for a second, making him freeze up. He then gathered himself, wrapping his right arm around her shoulders. They sat like that for a moment, a piece of heaven being given to Rafe. The previous gap between their bodies had closed and it felt just right. They didn't need to speak, the faint sound of the moving ocean in the background was good enough for them. Everything is alright, Rafe tried to convince himself, everything is alright now that she's here.

Goosebumps formed on Myra's arms as the chilly breeze from the ocean before them swept by. Rafe noticed her shivering next to him, the slight shaking rattling him. "Are you cold?" he hummed lowly, gazing down at her. She looked up, her blue eyes shining brightly in the darkness of the night. "A little" she whispered. "I have a jacket in the car" Rafe spoke a little louder. "It's fine" Myra tried to assure him, but he wasn't buying it. "You're shaking" he pointed out. "I'll survive" Myra joked, poking his side. Rafe once more didn't buy it, now standing up. Myra watched him as he brushed the sand off of his legs before he extended his hands out towards her. "Come on" he urged, to which Myra tilted her head to the left, gazing up at him through her long eyelashes. "Rafe" she sighed, wanting him to just sit down again. "Myra" Rafe urged once more, eyeing her sternly. When she didn't answer him he bent down again, grabbing a hold of her. Myra screamed playfully as the tall boy lifted her up, throwing her over his shoulder.

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