004; the storm's still brewing

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Rafe Cameron, there he was again. Right before her eyes. Like a curse disguised as a blessing. His forearm leaned so effortlessly on the now fully open car window, his head peaking out. His ocean blue eyes broke through the gloominess that was sweeping over the outer banks of North Carolina. She wondered what he was doing here and not at home with his rich and seemingly perfect family, seeking shelter from the hurricane. Living idyllically in their lakeside mansion. They were well known all across the island, the oh so well liked Cameron family. They owned pretty much a third of this place, or more. They had estates everywhere across figure eight, making millions out of rent and sales. Rafe's father Ward had every police officer and politician from the island wrapped around his pinky finger, letting him do as he so pleased at any given time.

"Excuse me?" Myra asked, thinking she hadn't heard the Cameron boy correctly over the whistling of the wind. Was he, the kook prince himself, actually stopping his car to ask her if she needed help? It surely didn't fit in with the picture she had of him in her mind. Rich, snobby and ugly hearted. "That doesn't look too good" Rafe spoke calmly, leaning out of the car window a little further to get a better look at her and her old broken down bike by the sidewalk, "I was just asking if you needed any help, there's a storm coming you know? You shouldn't be out". She knew that, of course, but her bike was important to her. Something she was certain he wouldn't understand. He was fully capable of buying a thousand bikes nicer than hers if he so wanted. She found herself wondering if sentimental things stay sentimental when you're as rich as him? When things can easily be replaced with anything in a heartbeat.

"Uhm.." she trailed as the wind tugged harder at her messy blonde hair. She was unsure as to what to say, she was uncertain if Rafe could tell that she wasn't one of his kind of people. A goddamned kook. Pretty, poised and plentiful. He must've surely noticed that she was pouge, she thought, seeing as she had evident dirt stains on her washed out denim shorts and the way she was lugging a broken and rusty old bike around. Some things are clear as day to see, especially too people like him. Stay away, that's what JJ had always told her. They say pouges are no good, well kooks aren't any better.

Before she could speak another word Rafe had gotten out of his car to open the trunk, taking another surprisingly kind peak at her and her old bike. "That'll fit in here, you reckon?" he spoke, still so calmly, nodding his head towards the now open trunk of the car. "I-I suppose so" Myra stuttered faintly, knowing that those words were not what she was supposed to say in a situation like this. Never trust a kook, a ground rule which should not ever be broken, no matter what. Her gaze flickered around as she held onto her bike firmly, feeling the harsh wind whip across her rosy cheeks. Her heart was beating a little faster than it should have, seeing Rafe's ocean blue eyes dart all over her. "Let me try" he then said, grabbing a firm hold of the bike. Myra didn't manage to get a single word out, all of them getting stuck in the back of her dry throat. She hesitantly let go as Rafe grabbed the bike, trying to make it fit into the trunk of his large black SUV car. "I don't wanna inconvenience you" she argued carefully, clasping her hands together in front of her body as she looked around, scared that JJ would appear in the Twinkie at any given moment and see them. Rafe shrugged, going around to pull the backseat of the car down, "it's not a problem"

"No really..." Myra trailed, taking a step forward before being cut off by Rafe, "it's not a problem, don't worry about it". She nodded gently, feeling a drop of rain hit her forehead. The storm was still brewing, drawing closer and closer with each passing second. The energy of it hung in the air. She rolled back and forth on her feet as she watched him, taking notice of the way his arms flexed as he pushed the bike into his car, finally closing the trunk. "Got it" he said, turning to her with a small smile on his lips as he dragged his right hand through his hair. The two of them stopped for a second, looking at each other as the rain began to fall, soon to soak their thin summer clothing.

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