040; the mainland part 3

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Love comes to us in the strangest of ways.

Myra found herself walking along a small cobblestone road in the grand city of Charleston, her left arm snaked around Rafe's right one. They walked like how a real couple would do, not that they were anything like a real couple. They were far from that, the kook and the pouge. But it was nice to pretend for a moment, Myra thought to herself. She was dressed in her new light blue silk dress, the one Rafe had bought her downtown earlier. She was wearing a pair of strappy sandals that she had packed in her bag before they left Kildare island. Her hair was out, flowing in the faint breeze of evening. The clock was around eight in the evening and Rafe had made reservations at some nice place a few blocks down. "They have the best sea food" he exclaimed as he led the way, a pleased look upon his face. Myra couldn't argue with that offer, she loved sea food, hence why her and JJ were always lurking around Kiara's family's restaurant for scraps at their closing hour. She had never had fancy sea food though.

Rafe walked confidently along the road, his expensive looking brown leather dress shoes clicking faintly against the cobblestone. He looked like a typical kook boy dressed in his pressed dark blue suit and white button up shirt. He had left the top button undone and he wasn't wearing a tie, which gave this whole outfit a little more of a casual look. Myra couldn't help but to sneak a glance or two at him every now and then. He had his hair slicked back in a effortless manner. He looked handsome, Myra thought, despite him being a entitled figure eight boy after all.

"Table for two" Rafe spoke as him and Myra approached the hostess by the door of the restaurant, "it's under Cameron"

The hostess was a tall blonde girl with bright blue eyes and nice airbrushed makeup. She was wearing a black shirt and a black pencil skirt. "This way" she cooed with a extremely polite tone. Rafe and Myra followed her through the restaurant to the back of it. The hostess stopped by a small table by the patio. It was set for two with a carafe of water, a small bottle of oil and a bread basket. It had a gorgeous view of the ocean down by the harbour. "There you go" the hostess spoke with a wide smile, placing two menus down on the table before taking a step back. Rafe went to pull Myra's chair out in a act of chivalry. A blush crept onto Myra's cheeks as she sat down, smiling at the tall boy. "Thanks" she hummed, to which Rafe nodded gently. The hostess walked off, her hands tucked behind her back. A waitress walked up with a notepad and a polite smile. "Good evening" she greeted them, stopping before the table, "can I get you started with anything to drink while you browse the menu?". Rafe pushed his shoulders back, sitting up straight. He oozed with confidence as he glanced in between the waitress and the menu. "Hey Susanna" he spoke smoothly, reading her name of her name tag, "I think we're gonna start with a bottle of champagne". The tone of Rafe's voice was steady and assertive, charming the young girl with the notepad and small black apron. Myra watched Rafe as he ran his fingers along the menu, flipping it open as his gaze wandered over the drinks page. "This one will do" Rafe then added, tapping his index finger towards a line in the champagne list, "one bottle, two glasses"

"Of course sir" the waitress spoke as she gazed at her notepad, scribbling it down, "I'll bring it out for you straight away". The waitress, who appeared young, walked off without checking either Rafe or Myra's id. Myra let her gaze follow the girl, assuming she was working at the restaurant for the summer. She was pretty, with big chocolate brown eyes. Her dark hair was pulled back into a low bun and she was wearing the same kind of black shirt and black pencil skirt as the hostess. Myra leaned forward slightly, turning her attention back to Rafe. She felt curious, staring straight ahead at him. "They didn't check our id's" Myra pointed out, blinking her blue eyes. "I find that people rarely do" Rafe spoke, seemingly just as confident as before. Myra furrowed her eyebrows, even more intrigued now. Was he twenty one? Had she been wrong after all? She was sure that he had told her no when she had asked back at midsummers. "Okay so quick question..." Myra trailed, leaning in even closer as she lowered her voice, "I'm sorry, are you twenty one?". A faint chuckle slipped past Rafe's lips as he gazed away. He turned his head back towards Myra, now locking his gaze onto her. "No" he answered simply, still sitting with his shoulders rolled back, "are you?". Myra was taken aback, she assumed he knew that she wasn't. She couldn't be sure if he was being serious or not, for he had that stupid rich boy smirk upon his lips again. "No" Myra mumbled, leaning back slightly. Rafe nodded once, another chuckle slipping out. "It's all in the way you deliver the order" Rafe revealed, seemingly pleased with the way he had tricked the waitress, "you just have to own it Myra, like you're older than twenty one, it's as simple as that". Myra responded with a few nods of her head, a cheeky smile finding its way onto her lips. Rafe was sure of his thing, she could sense that so strongly. He had a natural kind of charm surrounding him, which drew people in. Like a tricky fox. Myra was sure that the kook kids of Kildare island had their ways of survival too, even if their version of survival was very different from hers.

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