045; the cameron estate

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Rafe walked through the tall gates of the Cameron family estate right before dinner time, his duffel bag hanging on his right shoulder. It bounced slightly against his hip as he moved. His expensive shoes dragged against the stone pathway leading up to the large white house. He passed the nicely mowed lawn and the well taken cared of flowerbeds as he made his way across the front yard, soon laying a hand on the front door. It was unlocked and he stepped in, finding the house unusually quiet. It felt nice, he didn't need a lot of commotion, just a hot shower and a calm moment for himself.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Rafe immediately recognized his younger sister's voice. It was snarky and unpleasant. As he gazed up he saw Sarah standing in the middle of the marbled staircase with her arms crossed over her chest. He hadn't expected to see her home, as Myra had said before she spent most of her time over on the cut these days. Pathetic wannabe pouge, the words rang clear within Rafe's mind. And there she stood so high and mighty staring down at him with her head slightly tilted to the right and her eyebrows raised, as if she had any type of claim on him. Rafe was older than her, so Sarah shouldn't question him. She should know her place in this family and simply listen. "Out with some friends" Rafe answered shortly as he dropped his bag on the floor by his feet, "why do you care?". Sarah sighed, uncrossing her arms as she descended down the last steps of the staircase. "Cause you've been gone since yesterday and dad's been asking about you" Sarah answered, eyeing Rafe suspiciously. "Okay" Rafe spoke, once more being awfully short towards his sister. "So which friends did you go out with?" Sarah then asked, her eyebrows still raised. "It's none of your business" Rafe hissed back before he picked his bag up from the floor again, heading off towards his room upstairs. Sarah scoffed as her older brother passed him. Rafe walked up the stairs in a rush but he only managed to make his way through a mere third of the hallway on the second floor of the house before he heard his name being called out. It came from his dad's office and it was loud and determined, most definitely not sounding like a welcoming kind of shouting. Ward's voice sounding like that was something Rafe was very used to by now, hostile and harsh.


He stopped in his tracks, sighing as he turned around, peering into his dad's large office. Ward was stood behind his wooden desk, the palms of his hands leaning on it. "Rafe, get in here son" the aging man spoke, eyeing his only son with a straight face. This doesn't sound good, Rafe thought as he stepped into the office. "Hey dad, what's up?" Rafe spoke casually, trying to soften whatever blow his dad was about to throw at him this time. It was always something, in Ward's eyes Rafe couldn't do anything right. He had gone from the successful smart son with a bright looking future to some kind of disrespectful lawbreaking lowlife who couldn't be trusted, just by the blink of an eye. "What's up?" Ward questioned harshly, standing up straight, "what's up?". Rafe watched as his dad furrowed his eyebrows, dismay and frustration now clear upon his face. Ward laid his hands to rest on his hips as he glanced at his son. "A hundred and fifty dollars are missing from my safe, that's what's up" Ward clarified. Rafe glanced around the room, his duffel bag still hanging on his right shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that" he spoke, looking back at his dad. "You don't happen to know anything about that now do you?" Ward questioned, standing completely still. "No, of course not dad" Rafe spoke, furrowing his eyebrows. "No clue Rafe?" Ward asked again, leaning forward a little". Rafe shook his head, "no"

Ward sighed as he let his hands fall to his sides, a moment of silence filling the room. Rafe stood still, watching his dad as he pushed his lips together for a moment. He then placed his right hand down on the wooden desk, letting his fingertips trail along the heavy piece of furniture as he walked around it to get closer to his son. Rafe was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable as he gazed at his dad, observing his every move. "So where have you been all night?" Ward asked, once again staring straightly at his son. "Out" Rafe answered shortly. He wondered why it mattered that he hadn't been home one night when Sarah was hardly ever home these days. His dad hadn't seemed to care about him disappearing for a day or two before. "Out?" Ward asked, leaning back against the desk as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah" Rafe shrugged his shoulders. "Just out? Doing what?" Ward kept on pushing, the sound of his voice ringing monotone. "I was with some friends, it's not a big deal" Rafe argued, his lie slipping off of his tongue so smoothly. This wasn't the first time he had lied to his father, a small white lie. It was for the best. "You were out with some friends" Ward repeated, letting the word roll on his tongue, slowly simmering, as he nodded his head. Rafe stood still, watching his father's gaze wander across the room for a moment before it returned to him. "Were you Rafe?" Ward then questioned again, "really?"

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