041; the mainland part 4

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Idiots in love,
That's how the universe would've viewed Rafe and Myra as they walked along the harbour of Charleston. Idiots in love suited them, even though neither of them believed it at the moment. Myra had always looked down on people who were in love with the idea of love, for she knew that life isn't some fairytale. She had sworn since she was young that she wouldn't ever be stupid enough to get fooled into thinking that she was in love. She didn't need some stupid boy to be okay, she could make do just fine with only herself to depend on. Rafe had never understood love. Such a strong feeling completely taking over a person, only to suddenly disappear. He didn't trust love. Not since seeing his mother, who loved her family so dearly, just disappear one day. Neither one of them, the kook or the pouge, could understand what was slowly happening in between them, but they sure did look like idiots in love as they made their way down the paved pathway, gazing out at all the boats that laid docked nearby.

Tasty seafood and a few drinks had slipped down and now they were strolling out in the chilly air with a ice cream cone each. The sun had settled not long ago, leaving the city with the gentle darkness of the night. A summer's night. A memory that would forever live within the two of them, burning bright. They were taking about some nonsense as they walked, feeling a little rush of alcohol. Rafe licked his pistachio ice cream, gazing down at Myra. He took notice of the small goosebumps on her forearms and the way her blonde hair so gently blew in the night breeze. She walked with her usual skip in her steps, licking her chocolate ice cream with a happy smile upon her lips.

"What's your hidden talent Rafe?" Myra suddenly asked, gazing up at him. "My hidden talent?" he asked, slowing down his steps as he thought about it. "Yeah" Myra nodded her head, gazing curiously at him. A amused chuckle spilled out of Rafe's lips as he thought of something, "breaking hearts". Myra giggled as she proceeded to smack Rafe's upper arm playfully. "Oh come on" she groaned, rolling her eyes with the same happy smile lingering on her lips, "I'm being serious". Rafe raised his eyebrows as he looked at her, "me too" he teased. "Ha ha" Myra muttered, pouting her bottom lip, "very funny". Rafe chuckled funnily. "My hidden talent... I don't know Myra" he then went on a little more seriously, shrugging his shoulders, "what about you? What's your hidden talent?". Myra giggled, licking her ice cream. "I've actually got lots" she bragged, a humours tone of her voice. "Yeah?" Rafe asked, playing into her stubborn and funny attitude. "Mhm" Myra nodded her head, a wide smile upon her lips. "Like what?" Rafe questioned, raising his eyebrows. Myra sighed before she began to list of her hidden talents one after one, "fishing, juggling, stealing those stale candies off of the front desk at the club, cartwheeling and oh... I can roll my tongue in this weird way, look". Myra proceeded to roll her tongue up in a way Rafe hadn't ever seen before, which made him laugh. "Oh wow" he mocked, a smirk upon his lips. "Can you do that?" Myra asked, her eyebrows raised. "Uhm, no" Rafe confessed, which earned a laugh from Myra.

"But cartwheeling?"

"Yeah" Myra proclaimed proudly. "Now that's something, that I have to see" Rafe went on. "Here, hold my ice cream" Myra was quick to urge, handing her cone to him before she tied her hair back into a messy ponytail, "watch me now". Myra did a cartwheel across the paved road by the harbour, which was surprisingly good. She then stood up, pulling the hair tie out of her blonde hair as she gazed at Rafe, a pleased look upon her face. "Wow" he hummed again, a little softer this time, "you're full of surprises Myra Maybank"

"So are you Rafe Cameron"

The two of them walked along the harbour front of Charleston before they decided to stop by a bar. It was a dingy one, which didn't suit their dressed up attire at all, but at least they could drink without being questioned there. They sat in a corner, downing a shot of vodka lemon each. "That is foul" Myra laughed as she shook her head vigorously, to which Rafe laughed. He leaned in a little closer, just looking at the girl who sat before him. "What?" Myra asked, suddenly feeling a little self conscious. "Nothing" Rafe spoke lowly, a faint smile spreading across his lips. "No, tell me" Myra urged, fiddling with her empty shot glass. "Another shot?" Rafe asked, standing up. "Sure" Myra shrugged, staring intently at the tall boy, "I'll take another shot with you if you tell me what you were just thinking about". "It's nothing special, don't worry about it" Rafe assured Myra before he grabbed his wallet out of the inner pocket of his dinner jacket, disappearing into the crowd. He reappeared a minute later, carrying a small black tray with two beers and two shots on it. Rafe placed it down on the sticky table, earning a half hearted smile form Myra. He handed her a shot glass with a clear liquid in it. "Just as foul as the last one" he hummed before he grabbed his own glass, clinking it with hers. They took the shot and Myra could feel it burn on its way down her throat. "Just as foul as the last one" she repeated, washing the vodka down with some beer. She then found Rafe staring again, seemingly getting lost.

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