011; outdoor cinema

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They hit us, we hit them - it's the law of the jungle.

"What was that all about?" Myra asked as she rushed behind Pope and JJ, them seemingly wanting to leave the shop as soon as possible. "Nothing" Pope was quick to answer, keeping his head forward, "nothing at all". Myra wasn't sure if Rafe was just there with his friend to spy on her or if something more was actually going on. With her brother, she never knew. He had a certain taste for making trouble for himself. JJ and Pope were walking quickly ahead of her, whispering about something which she couldn't make out.

They searched for John B throughout the island, ending up back at his place once again. He still wasn't home and time was quickly running away. The afternoon sun was now shifting into a warm evening, the white clouds upon the sky getting some colour to them, a soft beige kind of orange tone. A familiar truck soon rolled up outside of the house, making Pope jump a little. JJ smacked him across the arm, a funny look upon his face. "What's with you today man?" Myra asked, eying Pope suspiciously before she nodded her head towards the driveway, "it's just Kie". Myra was right, the truck belonged to the Carrera family, more so to Kiara's father Mike.

"Hey you guys!"

Kiara's joyful voice rang across the yard as she got out of the truck, closing the door to the driver's side behind her. "Hey Kie" JJ called back, waving his right hand in the air, "what's up?". Kiara walked over to them, a gentle smile upon her face. "Movie night tonight, we're going right?" Kiara hummed as she got closer. "Uhm..." Pope trailed, glancing around. "I don't know Kie" JJ agreed, squinting his eyes a little, "I was thinking about just heading home, having a beer and laying down on my couch". Kiara eyed the blonde haired boy that was stood before her, not taking no for an answer. "You can sit in a lawn chair and watch a movie while drinking that beer, come on dude, I've got a whole six pack in the car" Kiara went on. A moment of silence grew between the two boys before Pope muttered another, "uhm I don't know Kie, I'm not really feeling up for it if I'm being honest"

Kiara wasn't impressed with the antics of the two boys, continuing to pressure them. She knew that a calm and peaceful outing would do the both of them good, besides she was extremely bored having been held up working at her family's restaurant the whole day. "Come on, it'll be fun" she pushed, giving JJ a pouty look. It worked. Kiara had a special way of getting inside of his dumb head, she knew how to make him melt. JJ's had a thing for that girl for years, Myra was sure of it, the signal just wasn't as clear from Kiara. "Yeah, yeah of course" JJ filled in, nudging Pope once more, "right dude?". Myra saw Pope fiddle nervously with his hands, gently nodding his head as he muttered a "yeah alright". JJ patted him on the back, now turning his attention towards his little sister, "right Stinky?"

"Don't call me that"

"But you're coming?" Kiara clarified, blinking her big brown eyes at the youngest Maybank sibling. "Yeah sure" Myra shrugged. It was a tradition, the summer outdoor cinema down by the docks, she couldn't skip out. It was actually nice, her and JJ used to go every weekend when they were younger, there wasn't much more to do on a Saturday night as their father was MIA somewhere getting drunk or stoned. "Go get John B and we'll head down" Kiara instructed JJ, to which he began to sway on his feet. "He's not here" JJ then muttered, lifting the red cap off of his head before dragging a hand through his hair. "He's not here?" Kiara asked, lifting an eyebrow, "then where is he? We can pick him up on the way there". JJ placed his cap back on his head, glancing around. "That would've been a great plan... if we knew where he was" the blonde haired boy then spoke. "You don't know where he is?" Kiara asked, putting her hands on her hips. JJ sighed, dragging his thumb along his cracked lips, "no Kie I don't know where he is, I've been looking for him all day, it's like he's gone underground or some shit"

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