033; running into each other

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Rafe turned around at the sound of a joyful and sweet voice calling out to him. He held a black plastic grocery basket in his right hand, which bounced against his leg as he moved. It wasn't filled to the brim or anything, considering the fact that he had just gotten into the store down at the island centre. A bag of chips, a bottle of water and a few bananas was all he had managed to pick up thus far. Not that it wasn't unusual for him to fill a basket up rather quickly. The kooks pretty much kept the small stores around the island running, especially in the summertime. They were avid fans of all kinds of shopping and gladly spent money on almost anything.

The tall kook boy saw Myra walking towards him with a bubbly smile upon her tanned face. Her blonde hair laid against her shoulders and her bright blue eyes were sparkling even in the bright daylight. She was skipping on her steps, seemingly in a good mood today. "Hey" Rafe called back, a faint smile pulling at the corners of his lips. He couldn't help himself, the mere sight of her made excitement flood through his body. She looked good in her flowy light blue linen shorts and her creamy white toned tank top too. It suited her well, Rafe thought to himself. Light blue was definitely her colour. "I didn't see you at the island club yesterday" the pouge girl spoke as she stopped before him, holding onto a similar black plastic grocery basket, besides hers was empty. "Yeah no..." Rafe trailed a little taken aback, scratching the back of his neck as he glanced at her, "I was home with my sister, she wasn't feeling too well". Myra nodded, a conflicted look upon her face. Rafe assumed that she had seen Sarah, who still remained his sister even if she was on a pouge life high right now, out on the cut and therefore didn't believe him as he spoke. "Not Sarah, my other sister" Rafe added assuringly, fixing his blue eyes onto the shorter girl before him, "Louisa"

"Oh" Myra mumbled, nodding her head once more, a little gentler this time, "I figured". Rafe pushed his lips together, knowing that he had been right. Sarah had been out on pouge land again, Myra had seen her and Myra had also thought that he had told a lie. He didn't want her to see him as a liar, for he wasn't. "I'm assuming my other much more ungrateful and rebellious sister was out hanging around your place" Rafe went on, some kind of disappointment laced within the tone of his voice. "Not my place" Myra spoke quietly, shaking her head faintly, "John B's". It wasn't much of a surprise to Rafe, who hadn't seen Sarah in about two days. It was like she was purposely keeping away from home. He just couldn't understand why she would choose a small and old run down fishing shack over her nice and clean childhood home. It had everything she could ever want and need, pouge life didn't offer even half as much.

"How's your sister feeling now?" Myra asked politely, "Louisa I mean". She smiled up at Rafe who was losing himself within his whirling thoughts, a slightly dazed look upon his handsome face. "Uhm she's better, yeah" Rafe mumbled, letting his thoughts of Sarah and her stupid pouge boyfriend go. "That's good to hear" Myra hummed gently, swaying back and forth on her feet as she glanced around the store. "Yeah" Rafe spoke quietly, not sure what else to say. Louisa's words from yesterday was now overtaking his mind, making him doubt whatever conflicting thought he had. The forbidden fruit, was it true? Was that the only reason he found himself so mysteriously drawn towards the pouge girl with whom he really doesn't have anything in common with? The not knowing for sure was slowly driving him insane, he couldn't stop thinking about it. Myra picked up on Rafe's seemingly wandering mind and apparent need to be left alone, so she pushed her shoulders back as she got ready to walk off. She didn't want to bother him if he was going through something with his sisters. Besides, she was in somewhat of a rush too. She had stopped by the store on her way to work to pick up a few things to keep her fuelled throughout the day. "Well I need to grab a few things so I guess I'll see you around then... but it was nice seeing you Rafe" she spoke urgently as she began to skip off. It awoke Rafe yet again, making him glance around as she left. His bubble bursting.

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