027; the next day

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The next morning,
The sun was shining as Myra stirred awake on the couch inside of the Cameron family boat. The blanket from the night before was sloppily wrapped around her bare legs. She gazed around, a little confused about her whereabouts for a split second. The air was warm, making her messy blonde hair stick to her forehead. As she sat up, pushing the hair out of her face, she saw Rafe laying on the couch on the opposite side of the room. He was sound asleep, his lips slightly parted. Myra thought he looked peaceful, laying on his right side with his eyes closed and toned arms sprawled out. His light snores could be heard, mixing with the faint sound of birds chirping from outside the boat.

Myra stood up, dragging her bare feet across the floor of the boat, carefully opening the sliding glass door. A breeze of fresh ocean air hit her face, making it a little easier to breathe. It was looking like a great hot obx summer day thusfar. Myra walked further out onto the deck of the boat, letting the nice breeze brush against her cheeks. She let the glass door remain slightly ajar, letting the fresh air into the hot room in which Rafe was still laid asleep. Myra walked over to the edge of the the boat, resting her hands on the metal railing as she gazed out at the open ocean. The faint scent of salt filled her nostrils, making her relax a little more. She got lost in her thoughts as she watched the waves gently flow across the surface of the water.

Soon Myra felt someone poke her ribs, making her jump a little. She let out a surprised scream as she turned around, only to be faced with a laughing Rafe. He looked like he had just woken up, his usually neatly styled hair a little messy. He had a amused expression upon his chiseled face, a smug grin grazing his lips. "Oh my fucking god" Myra gasped, holding a hand to her heart, "you asshole". Rafe kept on laughing, laying a comforting hand upon her upper arm. His fingertips stroked against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. It felt like a strong jolt of electricity, but perhaps it was just the adrenaline from before still flooding through her veins. "You scared the shit out of me dude" Myra exclaimed, relaxing a little as she couldn't hold back her own laughter, "I thought you were asleep"

"I was" Rafe shrugged, letting his hand fall from her arm, "but not anymore". Myra rolled her eyes playfully, smacking Rafe lightly upon his arm. "Yeah duh, I can see that" she hummed, making Rafe grin a little. "How'd you sleep?" he asked, steering the conversation away from the scare he had just given her. "Alright" Myra shrugged, leaning her back against the railing of the boat, "what about you?". She watched as Rafe gazed around, sticking his hands in the pockets of his shorts. "Yeah, good... good" the kook boy spoke calmly, gazing out at the ocean. Myra turned her head to gaze in the same direction, letting a moment of silence find its way in between the two of them.

"Do you want a cup of coffee?" Rafe asked after a while, taking a step back. "Uhm yeah, that would be great" Myra answered. Rafe nodded, walking off. Myra followed him behind, sitting down on a bench in the kitchen area. She pulled her knees up, resting her head on them as she watched Rafe. He walked across the small kitchen area, taking two porcelain cups out of a cabinet. He got a metal jar out and scooped some coffee into the machine. Soon the room filled with the delicious scent of coffee, making Myra's stomach rumble slightly. Rafe poured the coffee up into the cups, turning to face her. "Milk?" he asked, making Myra shake her head. "No thanks" she hummed, smiling faintly. "Sugar?" he asked, to which she shook her head once more. Rafe nodded once, placing the cup of plain black coffee down on the table in front of her. Myra took it, letting it warm her hands, "thank you". Rafe's gaze danced over her as he held his own cup in his hands, sitting down opposite of her. He put his cup down on the table, Myra could see the steam rising from the two cups. "You're not a fancy latte girl I see" Rafe commented, making Myra shrug her shoulders. "Lattes aren't bad, don't get me wrong, but they're not easy to come by at home" Myra muttered. Rafe furrowed his eyebrows together faintly, slowly lifting his cup to his lips. "You don't have milk out on the cut?" he asked, mocking her a little just before he took a sip of his hot coffee. "We do, of course we do" Myra snarked back, rolling her eyes playfully towards him, "I just don't have it at home all the time so I learned to drink coffee black early on"

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