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Jiang Xu's chest was against something hairy. He pushed it impatiently and heard Shen Fangyu humming a few times.

"You usually look thin and carry it... Why is it so heavy?"

"You're so" Jiang Xu pulled his head up. Under the action of alcohol, the two even talked intermittently.

"You can't... Jiang Xu," Shen Fangyu spread it on the pillow and threw his arm to the bedside. "You only drank so much... and got drunk. No wonder Zhong Lan... looks down on you."

Jiang Xu was very dizzy. Hearing this, he patted Shen Fangyu on the face and covered his mouth. "Your face... is so hot that you can boil eggs. Do you think... you're not drunk?"

"I'm not drunk..." The drunkard waved his hand, "I won't fall down a thousand cups."

Maybe he was drunk, and Jiang Xu's words also became more. He said "嘁" when he heard the words, "Whether you pour a thousand cups or one cup, Zhong Lan... doesn't like you."

Shen Fangyu, who was killed, rubbed his face, "Zhong Lan..." He muttered, as if he had fallen into some memories. "I suddenly remembered, Jiang Xu... Because of you, I even refused the confession of Banhua."

"Do you think... only you are miserable," Jiang Xu said, "When I graduated... I received dozens of love letters just to roll with you... I didn't even have time to open the letter."

"So why on earth do you want to roll with me?"

"Why don't you ask... ask yourself?"

The two men who have been staggering because of the rolling scrolls have become more and more angry. With the blessing of alcohol, they don't know who did it first. Suddenly, they fought in a ball. They wish they could send each other directly to see the west.

Fortunately, his mind was not very clear, and his eyes were not clear. He didn't hit the right position ten or nine times. After being tired for a long time, Jiang Xu's tie had long been loosened, and he didn't know where the button fell, revealing a cold white neck.

He leaned against the head of the bed and pressed the bridge of his nose. Shen Fangyu, who punched half of the sky, squinted and paralyzed on the bed to gasp.

For a long time, he seemed to sigh, "Emotions are really metaphysics. I never thought... Zhong Lan is gay." He closed his eyes and probably felt that the ceiling light of the hotel was too dazzling. He rubbed and turned off the headlights, leaving only two warm yellow sleeping lights at the head of the bed.

He turned his head to Jiang Xu and suddenly remembered the man in the bar just now, "I said... You're not gay, are you?"

With a punch in the lower abdomen, Jiang Xu broke the bone joint, half raised his eyelids, and looked at him coldly, "I'm 1.88 meters, even if I'm gay... I'm also 1."

He was so drunk that he didn't even know what he was talking about. If he woke up, he would realize that he had been brought into the pit by Shen Fangyu's nonsense.

Fortunately, Shen Fangyu was also half drunk and half awake. He did not find a huge loophole in his words, but sensitively grasped the number and subconsciously said, "I am 1.84 meters."

Jiang Xu: "I'm 1.843 meters."

Who can't count the decimal point?

"Ha," Shen Fangyu suddenly laughed, "I'm 1.84."

"Damn--" Jiang Xu stared at him. "It's impossible. Show me your medical report."

Shen Fangyu took out his mobile phone and clicked it out. Jiang Xu was a little dizzy and couldn't see the screen clearly, so he reached out and grabbed Shen Fangyu's hand holding the mobile phone.

Jiang Xu's hands are very white, his fingers are slender, with a little thin cocoon, because there is no meat, and he can see the pale blue blood vessels on the back of his hand.

Probably because he drank wine, his blood went to his head, but his hands were a little cold. The moment he touched Shen Fangyu, the latter suddenly trembled.

"Don't move." Jiang Xu only looked at the data on his mobile phone in his mind, and he didn't think there was anything wrong. Shen Fangyu looked at the two overlapping hands in chaos, and his heart began to jump inexplicably.

"What are you fluttering about?" While hating the heart that he had never seen before, he broke free from Jiang Xu's palm with a little strength.

The latter was interrupted halfway and looked up at him unhaly. A few sps of bangs were slightly covered in front of him because of his head-up movements.

Shen Fangyu found that Jiang Xu's glasses were knocked off.

Jiang Xu is an inner pair. Perhaps because of myopia, he took off his glasses and saw something a little blurred. His eyes always looked sharp under the lenses. At this time, against the warm yellow sleeping lamp, there was a little natural softness.

Such Jiang Xu made Shen Fangyu feel strange, and the alcohol made Shen Fangyu light from his body to his brain, like stepping on the clouds or in a dream.

Shen Fangyu stared at Jiang Xu for a while, and suddenly found a small mole under his eyes.

The mole was very small and was usually blocked by glasses. He had never noticed it. Now he suddenly found that Shen Fangyu stared at it like an addiction, and he couldn't move his eyes.

Inexplicably, Shen Fangyu felt that the mole was a little seductive.

Jiang Xu's face was cold and white, and a small black dot was particularly clear. He made the mole dazzling. As soon as his throat knot rolled, he suddenly forgot who was lying in bed.

So the next second, Shen Fangyu's lower lip ghost stuck the little mole.

Jiang Xu's eyelashes trembled, half closed his eyes, and seemed to be a little confused. His consciousness was vague. After a moment of confusion, he turned his head away.

Shen Fangyu put one hand on the pillow and looked down at Jiang Xu. At the moment he turned his head, Shen Fangyu keenly caught a small black mole on his neck.

"My mother said that white-skinned people are prone to moles, which is true."

After saying that, he bowed his head and kissed him like a mole collection fetish.

Shen Fangyu's lips were very cold. Suddenly, he touched his hot neck. Jiang Xu subconsciously raised his head. His jawline was very beautiful, and he looked particularly clear because he looked up.

Shen Fangyu still wanted to go down, but Jiang Xu put his hand on his chest.

"Hot," Jiang Xu closed his eyes, rubbed the pure white pillow with wrinkles, and said rudely, "Go and turn on the air conditioner."

After obediently turning on the air conditioner, Shen Fangyu supported his head with one hand and looked down at Jiang Xu lying on his back. They just tossed around in bed. Jiang Xu's shirt had already rolled up from his waist, and the buttons on the neckline had also scattered.

Jiang Xu in the dream was still cute. Shen Fangyu thought, not noisy. Although it was not real under the warm yellow light, it was very pleasing to the eyes.

Because he had not basked in the sun, the skin on Jiang Xu's chest was particularly white, and Shen Fangyu saw a mole in the middle at a glance.

Unlike before, this mole is red, like a drop of blood hidden in it, red and shiny.

Dr. Shen, who was obsessed with collection, stared at it for a long time and rubbed his eyes again. He was inexplicably panicked.

He raised a finger and pressed the mole like a switch. Jiang Xu suddenly called him very low:

"Shen Fangyu..."

The man's voice was a little hoarse, and a little cold and faint, but he could inexplicably open fire.

Shen Fangyu's Tianling Gai was numb.

He thought that the dream was too exciting.

The author has something to say:
Shen Fangyu: I swear to walk every mole on Jiangxu's body.
Happy New Year's Day ~ The next update will be next year (dog head)

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