Seventy eight

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In the operating room full of first-hand gossip, Shen Fangyu said to Zhang Cheng while looking at the laparoscopy, "I have something to ask you."

"Huh?" Zhang Cheng felt a little guilty for no time, "What's so serious?"

Shen Fangyu glanced at him and said bluntly, "Do you know who Li Yalei and Huo Chengchun liked at that time?"

Zhang Cheng was shocked and subconsciously blurted out, "Do you know?"

Shen Fangyu looked at him meaningfully, and the latter found that he was more or less a little silverless here.

So Zhang Cheng shook his head crazily and said, "I don't know, I don't know anything."

"Is it Jiang Xu?" Shen Fangyu asked directly.

"Damn it," Hearing these two words, Zhang Cheng understood that Shen Fangyu really knew. He was stunned and said, "Who told you?"

Shen Fangyu did not answer his question and continued to ask, "Do Xiao Xu and Fanfan also know?"

Their dormitory used to be a six-person room, and Zhang Cheng and the two he mentioned were his other roommates.

Zhang Cheng swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty, "I know."

Shen Fangyu blocked his throat and said with a little heart slumber, "You are really my good roommates... just hide it from me?"

"This... is a long story," Zhang Cheng smiled twice. "Fang Yu, listen to my explanation."

Shen Fangyu nodded when he heard the words and motioned him to explain it well. Zhang Cheng immediately said faithfully, "First of all, I have always been on your side. Although they are chasing Jiang Xu, I still firmly believe that Jiang Xu is not as good as you."


"I don't want to hide it from you... The main reason is that they gave too much at that time," Zhang Cheng said bravely, "I didn't mention giving gifts to my classmates, but also invited people in our dormitory to have several meals. I knew that I had the strongest relationship with you, and also bought me the latest game console."

"I'm sorry, Fang Yu," Zhang Cheng self-criticized himself knowingly, "I'm not high enough to resist the corrosion of money."

Shen Fangyu: "..."

Evil capitalism.

Zhang Cheng looked at him and said, "I and Xiao Xu Fanfan and I also thought that it's better to do less than to do more. They are all in the same dormitory. If you have a conflict because of Jiang Xu, it is not conducive to the unity of the dormitory, right?"

"Cult Chun and Ya Lei also thought so, so that we let us hide it from you. Besides, we just like Jiang Xu, and we didn't do anything to hurt you..."

The more he said, the lower his voice became. "Beginally, we haven't caught up with each other. If you and Jiang Xu should be old enemies, you can continue to be old enemies. It doesn't matter."

To be honest, he was quite worried at that time that the two rich second generation would also fight for Jiang Xu, but later they were rejected anyway, which calmed down the dispute.

Unexpectedly, this old thing took so long to be known by Shen Fangyu.

"So who told you?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help guessing, "It should not be in our dormitory. Did someone tell you something last time?"

"It shouldn't be..." Zhang Cheng asked himself after saying that, "There were so many snacks and small cakes in those years."

Shen Fangyu was silent for a moment, and once again realized what it means to be "money can make ghosts grind" from Zhang Cheng's words.

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