Twenty four

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At the end of the morning class, Jiang Xu, who had a dry mouth, stood at the canteen of Medical University A for ten minutes, and finally chose to go to the pasta window to buy a cake.

After pregnancy, Jiang Xu, who could eat bread for a month in the previous exam month, began to become picky inexplicably.

The level of the canteen of A Medical University is inversely proportional to the quality of teaching, which has been expensive and unpleasant for decades.

Finally, when he returned to the hospital, Jiang Xu mercilessly threw the remaining half of the cake into the trash can.

As soon as he entered the department, Jiang Xu remembered the note and subconsciously glanced at Shen Fangyu's workstation. He was not there.

He withdrew his eyes. Before he could put down his briefcase, Yu Sang suddenly came out of nowhere and said to him, "Brother Jiang, your girlfriend is very beautiful."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the quiet office was full of gossip in an instant. Some people whispered, and some people were coaxing: "When will Dr. Jiang treat you? Waiting for a drink!"

Jiang Xu wondered, "What kind of girlfriend?"

"Don't pretend," Wu Rui smiled wide and looked like an experienced person. "People came to you with love lunch. We said you went to class and asked her to wait for you in the lounge. What's wrong with you? You didn't tell your girlfriend in class, and almost made people run for nothing."

Jiang Xu heard the words and walked directly out of the office and walked to the lounge like the wind. I didn't notice that Shen Fangyu just swayed from the elevator with a box of milk ten meters away.

When Shen Fangyu walked to the office, he happened to bump into Yu Sang, who was still silly and happy. He raised the milk in his hand in the direction of Jiang Xu's seat, "Where are you, Mr. Jiang?"

Yu Sang, as Jiang Xu's proud disciple and number one dog leg, was not used to dealing with Shen Fangyu. Shen Fangyu asked him rashly, and he naturally said, "I'm going to see my girlfriend."


Seeing that Shen Fangyu's expression had changed, Yu Sang's eyebrows danced more fiercely, and his facial features couldn't wait to come out to perform. His mind was full of revenge for the fact that they took the quota of participation before. "Our Dr. Jiang's girlfriend is very beautiful, and he also made a love lunch with his own hands, unlike some people..."

Yu Sang glanced at the milk in Shen Fangyu's hand and said strangely, "I can only drink milk by myself."

Shen Fangyu: "..."

Seeing that Shen Fangyu's face was getting worse and worse, Yu Sang also knew the proportion of the point. After pulling it out, he leisurely retreated. It was a pity that Jiang Xu could not see Shen Fangyu's expression.

Shen Fangyu was silent for a moment and put the milk on his table heavily. Wu Rui next to him was so scared that he looked at him.

He looked at Wu Rui and confirmed, "Anger, is what Yu Sang said true?"

Wu Rui didn't know whether to nod or shake his head for a moment. He always felt that Shen Fangyu's face was a little not good, but he couldn't figure out what Shen Fangyu was angry about for a while.

Even if he and Jiang Xu have been rivals for a period of time, Jiang Xu's suspected girlfriend is not Zhong Lan.

Did Qi Jiangxu find a partner in front of him?

But Shen Fangyu is not short of people to chase him. It's not a matter of minutes to find a partner.

The little nurse in the neonatology department next door came to him when she had nothing to do. The girl was beautiful and smart, and she didn't see how enthusiastic he was.

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