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Shen Fangyu repeated these words several times in his heart and made various arrangements and combinations. Finally, he was sure that although each word of Jiang Xu was standard Mandarin, it became a long and difficult sentence that he could not understand.

He looked at Jiang Xu and began to wonder whether he had finally been eaten up late, and he was so insane that he listened to it.

Jiang Xu was still fiddling with the timer that had stopped long ago. There was no expression on his face, and he couldn't see too many clues.

Shen Fangyu didn't want to believe that he was crazy at a young age. He couldn't help repeating, "You just said that you were... pregnant?" He didn't even dare to say the word "pregnant" loudly for fear that he would be arrested as a mental illness.

Jiang Xu said "um" faintly.

Shen Fangyu swallowed his saliva and repeated it with difficulty, "Then the child is mine?"

Jiang Xu's hand on the timer paused and was silent for a long time. He broke the jar and said, "Yes."

Hearing this, Shen Fangyu directly stretched out his hand to touch Jiang Xu's forehead.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Xu lowered his head to avoid and looked at him inexplicably, but quickly withdrew his eyes.

"You don't have a fever either. Is it April Fool's Day today?" Shen Fangyu withdrew his hand, and there was still a cool touch on Jiang Xu's forehead with his fingertips. He looked at the calendar at the table in wonder. Obviously, today is not April 1st.

"It's not April Fool's Day," Shen Fangyu denied his conjecture and asked puzzledly, "What's your new trick?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Xu suddenly raised his eyes and looked into Shen Fangyu's eyes. His eyes were very cold, as if there was a layer of storm, but it inexplicably made Shen Fangyu's heart hot.

"Shen Fangyu, I'm not kidding you." Jiang Xu's fingertips pinching the timer turned slightly white because it was too hard. He thought he would be relieved after saying that, but he didn't. Looking at Shen Fangyu's face, the fire in his heart became more and more burning.

He took a deep breath and silently glanced at the closed door of the doctor's office. The next moment, he directly punched Shen Fangyu in the face.

"Damn it!" The attack was so sudden that Shen Fangyu didn't have time to hide. He covered his face and looked at Jiang Xu with a lawsuit in his head. "Don't you hit people in the face? Jiang Xu, do you talk about martial arts?"

Jiang Xu directly smashed a set of inspection reports on the table into Shen Fangyu's hand, "I will finish reading it in five minutes."

Shen Fangyu was in pain and subconsciously withdrew his hand, "Why do you like to give people a time limit so much? You make it clear that I'm not your subordinate."

Jiang Xu's hand did not move, and he still maintained the posture of handing out the report. He stared at Shen Fangyu with his eyes, as if Shen Fangyu did not answer, he could hold it like this for a lifetime.

The latter was inexplicably a little guilty under such eyes. He closed his eyes and curled his lips to take the examination report. He was originally looking at it in ten lines. However, when he looked at it, his reading speed was getting slower and slower, and his eyes were getting bigger and bigger. Even with his just hot face, he didn't feel any pain at this time.

"Jiang Xu, don't tell me that this is your inspection report." His voice is a little unstable.

Jiang Xu didn't make a sound.

"Damn it..." Shen Fangyu looked at Jiang Xu in disbelief and quickly turned over the test report again.

He has been doing case analysis in obstetrics and gynecology since his sophomore year. In his career over the years, he has seen countless examination reports like this, and every time Dr. Shen can calmly and rationally judge and analyze the diagnosis.

However, this time, Shen Fangyu looked at the report over and over again for a long time. His eyes could make a hole in the black and white paper, but he still did not dare to make a conclusion.

It took him a long time to finally understand the diagnostic opinion written by the imaging doctor at the end. His eyes changed from confusion to panic. Finally, his eyes fell on the signature of the examination doctor, "Tang Ke?"

He instantly found a reason for himself and this series of absurd things, "I see. You and Tang Ke colluded together to lie to me, didn't you?"

Shen Fangyu put the inspection report back on Jiang Xu's table like a hot potato. "Jiang Xu, you're boring. Didn't I just grab a place for you to participate in the meeting? Do you?"

Jiang Xu took a deep breath and pressed the person directly on the wall. "Do you think I'm idle?"

"No," Shen Fangyu saw that he looked so serious, and his heart became more and more sad. "You... you have to talk about the basics. Even if you have a special physique, but we... we haven't slept. Where did the child come from?"

Jiang Xu bit his lower lip and said in a low voice, "Jinhua Hotel, you don't believe that you can check the room opening record."

Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now