Fourty two

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Shen Fangyu heard Jiang Xu teasing for the first time. He was stunned for a long time before he said, "It's also good."

"Be perfunctory."

"It's really not perfunctory."

Jiang Xu was too lazy to quarrel with him. Hupi green pepper was particularly eaten. He was not interested in giving his attention to Shen Fangyu for the time being.

So he didn't notice that Shen Fangyu put down the bowls and chopsticks quietly, and kept watching him eat attentively, as if he could see the flowers on his face.

"I didn't expect you to like this so much." Shen Fangyu suddenly made a sound.

Jiang Xu raised his eyes unexpectedly.

Shen Fangyu supported his head with one hand, and a few memories flashed in his eyes.

"Do you know Jiang Xu? When I was a child, I liked to eat tiger skin green peppers made by my grandfather."

He hooked the corners of his mouth and rarely mentioned his family affairs.

"I heard that my grandfather learned tiger skin green pepper for my grandmother."

He took a look at Jiang Xu and then said, "My grandmother was also a great beauty when she was young. She was beautiful and had a good temper. My grandfather... In our words, she is a cat's ear, and her wife is strict."

"Later, he didn't know who he heard from. If he ate tiger skin green pepper for his daughter-in-law, the woman like a tiger would become gentle, so he went to learn the art and learned the tiger skin green pepper from the restaurant."

"I didn't expect my grandmother to eat the tiger skin green pepper made by my grandfather. Not only was she not young at all, but she also liked the taste, and then asked my grandfather to make tiger skin green pepper for her all her life." Shen Fangyu laughed.

"It's easy to change your nature. How can people's temper change so easily?" Jiang Xu said.

"Yes, besides, my grandmother's temper is all spoiled by Grandpa, and he also enjoys it," Shen Fangyu's lips showed a curvature. "When I was a child, my grandfather said that I must learn this dish, saying that he was afraid that I would inherit his fear of his wife's genes, so that I remember to make it for my lover earlier in the future."

He looked at Jiang Xu with a smile. Because he fell into memories, his eyes looked particularly soft, and he was a little teasing: "But I didn't expect that the first time I made this dish for my wife, but for you."

"Cough, cough--"

Jiang Xu, who was eating happily, was suddenly choked. Shen Fangyu hurriedly pulled back his thoughts from the past, reached out and patted him on the back, and whispered, "Eat slowly. Pepper seeds are easy to chob."

After a while, Jiang Xu finally recovered from his cough. He silently put down his chopsticks and wiped his lips without changing his face. "I'm ready to eat."

Shen Fangyu thought he was afraid of pepper seeds and advised, "Don't waste food because of choking. It's okay for you to eat carefully, just like eating fish and spitting thorns."

Jiang Xu shook his head firmly and went to the study with a tablet without looking back.

"Cerpicky food." Shen Fangyu complained in a low voice, took a look at his back, lowered his head, and moved his eyes back to the half of the green pepper left. He sighed and said, "Forget it, let's go to the seeds before doing it next time."

He stood up and cleaned up the table, put all the dishes and chopsticks in the dishwasher, and wiped the table with disinfectant. As soon as he unsleried the rag, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

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