Fourty one

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The sky darkened little by little, and with the Mid-Autumn Festival approaching, the golden osmanthus flower also began to poked out its head from the branches, bumping around Jihua with a sweet fragrance of flowers.

After Yu Sangsheng became the attending physician, he moved to the No. 2 office and sat next to Jiang Xu. He came back from checking the room and stretched out. Suddenly, he found that Shen Fangyu's seat was empty, and Jiang Xu was still there.

He knew that most of the time, these two people left almost one after another, and the others were rushing to get off work. Only these two were afraid that they had less working hours than each other. If you didn't leave, I wouldn't leave.

So he asked curiously, "Brother Xu, why did Shen Fangyu go so early today?"

When Jiang Xu was busy with his work, he usually couldn't hear other people's gossip. However, he didn't know which word in Yu Sang's words hit his nerves today, and he actually answered.

"Go back and fry the kitchen."

Yu Sang, who didn't expect to get a reply: "Ah?"

Jiang Xu glanced at the clock on the workstation. Shen Fangyu had been walking for an hour and forty-eight minutes.

"How do you know he went back to blow up the kitchen?" Yu Sang asked.

"Guessed." Jiang Xu was not very perfunctory and looked at the clock again.

It's been 49 minutes an hour.

"It's really possible," Yu Sang thought along with his words. "He usually eats in the hospital. He left before dinner today. Maybe he really went back to cook," he said, saying that he was hungry. "Do you want to have dinner, Brother Xu? A Sichuan restaurant was opened in front of the hospital. Xiaoting recommended it to me last time.

Jiang Xu's pen paused, "I..."

"Have you eaten?"


"Then let's go. You don't like Sichuan food the most!"

Jiang Xu squeezed his lips, and his mobile phone interface was still on the chat box with Shen Fangyu. The last chat record was that Shen Fangyu reminded him to go back to dinner. He replied, "I have a job."

It's strange. He obviously politely refused Shen Fangyu. What are you still struggling with now?

So he pressed off his mobile phone, took off his white coat and put on a windbreaker, and followed Yu Sang to the store he said was good.

This Sichuan restaurant is newly opened. The menu and decoration are red and bright. The bright red peppers are particularly appetizing, but Jiang Xu feels that it is a little tasteless. He always feels a little inexplicable in his heart, as if he can't step on it to the end.

Seeing Yu Sang eating happily and his lips red and oily, Jiang Xu put down his chopsticks, called the waiter, pointed to the single set meal on the menu and said, "Please pack a copy of this for me."

"What are you packing back for?" Yu Sang was surprised, "Is there anyone in your family?"

Jiang Xu said "um" absent-mindedly, and Yu Sang instantly showed a gossipy look, "Yes, Brother Xu, where is the golden house?"


Jiang Xu knew that Yu Sang liked to break the casserole and ask to the end, so he directly presede, "My brother."

"Aren't you an only child?"

"My distant cousin in my hometown."

"Then ask him to come and eat together. It's cold to take this dish back," Yu Sang made up a simple and honest brother from this name, who looked at the loess and turned his back to the sky, and said to Jiang Xu, "They came all the way to you. It's not good for you to let others eat cold rice and cold dishes."

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