Extra two

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Chapter 91 The First Year (2)

The report of going abroad was very smooth, and the doubts of the West slowly faded.

It is said that at first, the media contacted Kenn, hoping that he would claim that Z's fraud would be more aggressive.

However, Dr. Kenn just said with a black face, "If your foreign reports are more authentic, I won't have a stereotype for so long and lose face abroad."
Fortunately, most of the people who mocked him were from Z. Kenn couldn't understand Chinese and didn't use young people's social media very much. Otherwise, he would have to be angry.

No matter what this matter looks like on the international stage, the success of this operation has undoubtedly inspired the hearts of every Chinese. In those days, many netizens forwarded the news of the paper, which seemed to be the Spring Festival.
However, compared with Kenn and Albert, Shen Fangyu can be said to be too low-key.

The interviews he participated in were arranged by Zheng Qi. According to his requirements, only his voice did not show his face for all public interviews nationwide, and the private unofficial media interviews were blocked by Zheng Qiquan.

In fact, Zheng Qi originally wanted to help him publicize it a little, but Shen Fangyu refused, so even in the official news, it was according to Shen Fangyu's intention, and at the same time, he praised all the medical staff involved in the operation, without mentioning or special praise of anyone.
Most of the few film and television materials on the Internet come from Shen Fangyu's several reports in professional field meetings, and they are also secretly filmed.

The Internet police almost immediately sent out to delete those things cleanly. One by one, they came to the door to warn, and cleared the news of those classmates and friends. A group of people who tried to hype heard the news and moved. Knowing the attitude above, they were also honest one after another.

The only one that is widely circulated is the photo of Shen Fangyu hanging in Jihua.

However, the news is time-sensitive. At the beginning, there were people who wanted to be fresh and went to Jihua to hang up Dr. Shen's number. But at that time, Dr. Shen was taking the children at home non-stop, and the residence was also tightly hidden from it, so he couldn't find anyone at all.

After a few months, there will be fewer people discussing this matter online. After all, there is no other information and gossip support, and there is no publicity and gossip. No matter how handsome the photo is, it is difficult to leave a lasting impression on the fast-paced Internet. In addition, there are many rational netizens. Don't pay too much attention to your private life.

Over time, "Dr. Shen Fangyu" gradually became "the handsome doctor of Country Z who won glory for the country" in the mouth of netizens. Just like the captain of Country Z in those years, the title and deeds were louder than the name.

President Cao said a few words about Shen Fangyu with hatred, and Zhang Cheng also called him to ask why he hid it so tightly.

"Now you have more news on the extranet than on the intranet," Zhang Cheng said, "How many people can play on the extranet? You don't seem to have such a person in China. Originally, I thought you had to be promoted at least.

Shen Fangyu did not hide it from Zhang Cheng, a person who knew almost everything.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. There are always people who like to watch others climb up and fall. After fame, fame and fortune came, and trouble followed. Today, the whole network praises him, and tomorrow may be the whole network scolds him. There are too many things involved in fame. It doesn't matter himself, but he has to think about Xiaoxiao and Jiang Xu.

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