Extra Five

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Chapter 94 One or Three(2)

Jiang Xu thought that he needed to consider the problem that other bad boy liked his daughter at least after Xiaoxiao was ten years old.

In fact, he used to be optimistic that if he was called a parent, it must be after primary school.

But people are not as good as God. Not long after the beginning of this semester, the teacher called the parents because of the fight with the children, and it was Wang Yize who fought.

In front of the teachers, no matter whether you are a big professor or a director doctor, you have to be scolded obediently. Jiang Xu was not so criticized when he was studying. He really couldn't listen to it anymore. He couldn't help throwing the phone to Shen Fangyu.

Shen Fangyu was thick-skinned and asked the teacher, "Why did Jiang Muchen beat Wang Yize?"

Jiang Mushen was standing next to the teacher at that time, probably because the teacher opened the hands-free. Xiaoxiao heard this sentence and wiped his tears and said, "daddy, he bit me..."

As soon as they said this, Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu's faces changed.

Fortunately, the kindergarten was very close to Jihua, and the two of them didn't have time to eat lunch. They rushed to the kindergarten quickly, afraid that their daughter would suffer some grievances. Then they saw Wang Yize, who was beaten to death, and a smile that was so sad that he couldn't see any injury on his body.

Because Xiaoxiao was one year younger, and she grew faster than her peers, Wang Yize looked more than half a head shorter than Xiaoxiao.

"Where did he bite you?" Jiang Xu said anxiously.

Xiaoxiao raised her arm. There was a shallow tooth mark on the little girl's little arm - the one that could not be seen in a few minutes later.

Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu quickly pulled out a pile of cotton swabs and iodine to disinfect Xiaoxiao's little arm. The little girl sobbed and finally stopped crying.

Wang Yize, whose face was still swollen and his nose was still stuffed with toilet paper: "..."

Jiang Xu directly picked up Xiaoxiao and walked to Mr. Qi, "Did Wang Yize bite my daughter first?"

Mr. Qi was a little embarrassed and stammered, "Your daughter has beaten her like that. How can a girl be so fierce?"

Shen Fangyu put away those medical bags and walked to Mr. Qi. "You should make it clear first who was the first to pick the trouble."

"Are you?"

Most of the time, it is her grandparents who usually smile. Teacher Qi is not very familiar with the appearance of Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu.

However, now Jiang Xu has closed his mouth to "my daughter". He should be Jiang Mushen's father, but Mr. Qi didn't expect Shen Fangyu who came with him for a moment, so he subconsciously asked.

Shen Fangyu answered with a red face and heartbeat, "The messenger of justice."

With a "puzz", the smile with beads of water on her eyelashes couldn't help laughing. She found that everyone's eyes were on her face. The little drama queen quickly sank and put on a look of thinking about life.

Teacher Qi: "..."

However, two men of more than 1.8 meters were in the office. She was also a little guilty, so she had to confess, "It was indeed Wang Yize who bit Jiang Mushen first, and then Jiang Mushen beat Wang Yize."

Jiang Xu nodded, "Mr. Qi, if the child's parents want to pay the medical expenses, I don't want to hear anyone take the initiative to bully my daughter, otherwise I will let her fight back," he paused and said, "Jiang Muchen won't come in the afternoon. I'll send her home to recuperate first."

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