Sixty four

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Shen Fangyu, who had been waiting for this sentence for a long time, interrupted quickly and said, "Wait first, Jiang Xu."

He finally let go of the potato and put down the leaky spoon. Shen Fangyu said to Jiang Xu, "If you want to send me a good man card, then don't say it."

Jiang Xu was silent when he heard the words and ate another bite of brown sugar rice.

"No way," Shen Fangyu's expression was a little subtle and unbelievable. "You really won't say anything."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Xu didn't say anything.

Shen Fangyu's fingers fell on his mobile phone and knocked one after another. After a while, he put down his mobile phone, drank two sips of water, and then slowly exhaled and said to Jiang Xu, "I really like you."

"I know." Jiang Xu said.

"I really want to be with you, too."

Jiang Xu took a spoon and stirred the crystal clear ice powder. "Hmm."

Shen Fangyu made his soft nail touch speechless, and finally couldn't help asking, "Jiang Xu, do you like me?"

In fact, it's quite embarrassing. In this case, ask such a question.

Sure enough, Jiang Xu didn't even say "um" this time.

After a long silence, Shen Fangyu sighed and asked, "So what on earth do you think?"

Jiang Xu glanced at him and withdrew his eyes.

He was in a hurry, Jiang Xu thought.

Shen Fangyu is now overwhelmed by the pile of dopamine and hydroxylamine. They get along with each other day and night, meet frankly, and do a lot of things that touch each other, so it is easy to have all kinds of impulses... and the moments that can probably be called ambiguous and heartbeat.

These crazy hormones can make people lose their minds.

But Jiang Xu must remind himself that he can't lose his mind.

He has a baby who is ready to be born. Before thinking about whether he really likes Shen Fangyu, the first thing he needs to think about is the responsibilities and risks of choosing to start this relationship.

He thought about it all night last night and came to the conclusion that Shen Fangyu didn't think it clearly at all.

A momentary impulse is not love, and a moment of love may not evolve into a long-lasting true love.

In fact, when he was immersed in the gentle and kiss, he also shook his mind and thought about saying to Shen Fangyu, "Maybe... you can have a try."

But if you agree now, what about after that?

They are not seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys and girls. They can start a relationship with hormones. If they don't, they will go. They don't have to think too much about gains and losses.

At work, they are a colleague who bows his head in the office and doesn't look up. In life, there is still a smile among them.

And a relationship that may fall apart is undoubtedly the most unstable factor.

The risk of falling in love is too high. You can't break up immediately if you don't love each other.

One day, the hormone is not secreted, the relationship is faded, or Shen Fangyu falls in love with someone else, and they break up, how can they get along with each other?

It's hard not to get along with each other when you want to die.

On the one hand, it is impossible to resign from the work in the system, because the relationship breaks down and gives up years of accumulation. On the other hand, they have agreed to raise children together. When they say they will break up, they will break up. What should we do with Xiaoxiao?

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