Twenty nine

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Downstairs of the community, Shen Fangyu took back his mobile phone to his pocket after sending a message. His head was sweaty and he just ran by in the morning.

He drove straight to the hospital to take a shower. It was just seven o'clock when he put on his white coat and sat in the office.

Last night, he just had a nightmare. When he went back to sleep, he dreamed again. Although he didn't wake up again this time and didn't remember what was in his dream, he knew in a trance that he had dreamed of Jiang Xu, and the content was somewhat ambiguous.

This cognition made him almost stand up again at the moment he woke up and saw Jiang Xu.

He scribbled a cold shower and didn't dare to wait for Jiang Xu to get up. He directly changed into sportswear and went out to buy breakfast to repair his mobile phone. He left home before he got up, intending to run around the community a few times.

Shen Fangyu speculated that he might have been a little angry recently, so he chose to exercise to dispel his strange impulses. But when he sat in the office, he was still a little distracted.

He felt that there might be something wrong with some of his functions.

He couldn't figure out that even if Jiang Xu was his first sexual partner, which really made him have a little taste of marrow-eating, but he was such a big man that he would not have such a chick complex. He would be in estrus at a glance.

He has been a doctor for so many years, and the number of bodies he has seen is countless. The old and young men and women have died alive, but he has always been very clear, and he has never had such a problem before.

Why is Jiang Xu different?

Although Jiang Xu is in good shape, the mole is indeed a little seductive, but Shen Fangyu is a straight man. Even if Jiang Xu is a fairy, he should not be confused.

Thinking of this, Shen Fangyu's expression suddenly stiffened, and a question that he had never thought about after living for so many years came to his mind.

I'm not fucking bent, am I?

This idea was really too subverted by Shen Fangyu's understanding of his past. While he was horrifyingly trying to recall the roommates who ran naked in the dormitory all day long but did not have any temptation, he firmly and indifferently approved the word "misdiagnosis" on the diagnosis form he had just made.

Misdiagnosis, Dr. Shen thought, is absolutely misdiagnosis.

There should be no difference between Jiang Xu and his roommates in his dormitory. It's just that he changed from six people to two people, and the per capita area has increased.

Hiding from Jiang Xu, it's like he really has a guilty heart.

Shen Fangyu didn't believe it. Jiang Xu could be beg of him for a while. Is it possible that he can be beg of him for a lifetime? Sooner or later, his body will be as clear as his brain. Even if Jiang Xu is reincarnated as the reincarnation of the Serins, he can still be Odeuse.

Unfortunately, Jiang Xu did not know Shen Fangyu's feelings of a young man who had been late for more than ten years. When he came to the office, he didn't even say hello to Shen Fangyu, so he directly asked the pathology department to call him.

"Dr. Jiang, this Ruan Xiufang is your patient, right?"

Jiang Xu received the examination report handed over by the pathology department. After letting the security guard take Ma Hao away that day, Jiang Xu gave Ruan Xiufang several more examinations. In fact, when he consulted, he felt that Ruan Xiufang's condition was not very good. Sure enough, the examination of cervical screening in the pathology department further supported his judgment--

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